Comment Re:I hope he pounds the shit out of google (Score 1, Insightful) 711
Non sequitur.
He makes many propositions on how to improve the well being of both men and women at google, chiefly he advocates for the reduction of stress or the intruduction of pair programming. If anything his memo came of as a bit too progressive and too forcedly PC. He sounded as if he was walking on eggshells, making sure not to intrude into anyones safespace.
If he had said "we have reached a plateau and I think this is the reason why things are not continuing to improve for women at Google" it would have been fine
Would his memo have been better received if he had claimed that we should just go one as if nothing was wrong?
Instead he ignores that things are getting better
ok, go on...
and that things used to be even better when the proportion of women in CS was much higher
How the hell does that even make remotely sense?
Things are getting better but they were even better once? would things not have to be worse to become better first? Is the percentage of women in tech unacceptably low or is it not?
Not to mention that the proportion of women vs. men is misleading: Today more women than ever before are working in tech, its just that the total number of men has increased faster than the total number of women.
He ignores that in some cultures women and girls don't fit these averages that he maintains are likely biological.
From historical data, particularly from east-bloc states from before and after the fall of the iron curtain, we know that the percentage of women in tech tends to decrease once they have more choices. The decrease was measurable in Russia, but it was truly massive in the GDR, the soviet part of Germany.
Now of course we could go back to having people pressured into assigned jobs or risk arrest by the states secret police, but that seems somewhat... non-optimal.
The presence of large percentage of women in tech often correlates with pressure, weather direct or merely economical. Remove the pressure and the percentage drops.
but I think at best you could say that show shows some naivety, with his apparent unfamiliarity with decades of research and how these arguments were considered and rejected multiple times in the relatively recent past.
Is that why he quotes so many academic papers and findings?
Or did you actually only read the censored version that was spread in the mainstream media where they "accidentally" removed all the academic stuff he had so carefully researched?