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Comment Forwarding Rule (Score 1) 333

I had the same problem with some of those "product news" type emails. What I do is go to their website and get their sales email, send a test email to it, just to check for auto responders. Then, create a forwarding rule to forward all their email they send me, to their sales department email (making sure to exclude any auto responders) and delete the original email. Gives you a warm feeling.
PlayStation (Games)

Gran Turismo 5 Delayed 122

RogueyWon writes "The Times is reporting that Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo 5, likely to prove a key title for the PlayStation 3, has been delayed indefinitely, despite an expectation that it would be released relatively early in 2010. The delay seems likely to impact Sony's plans to bundle the game with the PlayStation 3 console in time for the important spring sales period in Japan."

Submission + - Amazon Wants Patent for Inserting Ads into Books

theodp writes: "Three Amazon inventors set out to correct what they felt was a real problem — i.e., that "out-of-print or rare books...typically do not include advertisements...the content is fixed and, therefore, has not been adapted to modern marketing." Their solution is spelled out in newly-disclosed Amazon patent applications for On-Demand Generating E-Book Content with Advertising and Incorporating Advertising in On-Demand Generated Content. From the patent apps, here's what the future of reading may look like: "For instance, if a restaurant is described on page 12 of the requested printed content 114, the advertisement page image 116 next to page 12, i.e., either on page 11 or page 13, may include advertisements about restaurants, wine, food, etc., which are related to restaurants and dining." So what would a delightfully-tacky-yet-unrefined Hooters ad do for your Hemingway experience?"

Comment Hardware (Score 1) 1365

Some of the big problems are wifi, bluetooth, sound and video related. Most of these problems are a result of proprietary drivers/hardware. I have problems with bluetooth that my keyboard won't connect after a reboot. Configuring the spdif raw output is a pain(eventually got it running properly with a custom .asound configuration). Cheaper sound cards only support one channel, thus causing one application to block another (there are workarounds, but even for the tech-savvy this is a pain). Video support, you are at the mercy of the hardware.

For me, Linux is ready for the desktop, it's just that some hardware's not ready for Linux.

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