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Comment Re:Nothing new about this (Score 1) 261

Actually, I remember when I saw "Metallica Through the Never" in one of those stadium seating theaters with a giant screen and 3d glasses, there was laughter from the audience at the end when the music finally stopped at the end. It was actually really awesome how realistic the whole experience felt, while at the same time, the people were just quietly sitting in their seats.

Comment Re:And suddenly... (Score 5, Interesting) 275

I did read his "Communist Manifesto". I thought it was interesting that he did specifically dismiss the idea that this economic ideas, if implemented, would lead to laziness. IIRC, I think that he said that people do have a drive to work and to create.

But I think he missed something important. I agree with Marx that laziness is not the problem, but I think he missed another important problem with his economics. The problem is that to implement Communism, you must demand that all individuals submit to a central authority and subsume themselves into a system. Some critics go so far as to say that such a system is inherently violent and repressive because it cannot tolerate individuals deviating from their assigned role in the system. Either way, the problem, as I see it, is that people are individuals and they don't just want to work and create, but they want to work and create in a way that expresses their individuality. To be forced to assimilate into a system in which they have no individuality is completely out of line with man's nature.

Comment Re:Prevent and revert heart disease with nutrition (Score 2) 233

I read the book "The Pleasure Trap" after seeing it recommended in a comment right here on Slashdot.

The dietary advice inside is based on the works of Doctor Dean Ornish, so for those of you not familiar, here is the dietary advice:

- No alcohol or tobacco

- No meat or seafood

- No added sugar

- No added salt

- No heated oils

- No white rice or white bread

- No exceptions, ever, under any circumstances.

In addition to the above, the author recommends at least 10 hours of sleep every night.

Just letting you know :-)

Comment Re:yep (Score 2) 99

I do know some folks who, according to them, "don't read books." They do speak of it as if it's some kind of chore. I don't understand why, but honestly... I don't think I want to understand why.

It doesn't take much imagination to figure out why. For the first two decades of life in this country, reading *is* a chore. Remember, "It's a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."

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