the most subscribers on YouTube is largely a symbolic achievement
This is an understatement, as the views from all videos from media company (with hundreds or thousands of content creators) isn't comparable to the views from content that is largely generated by a single person. It's like comparing one artists views to all views on VEVO channels.
It's now obvious that everything Elon tweeted that manipulated the market was a lie. Funding was not secured, the price of $420 was not based in reality, and it was not just a vote away from happening. When you're being investigated by the SEC for a weed joke that you used to manipulate the market it's an idiotic idea to make it even more obvious you manipulated the market by smoking weed publicly broadcasted. People are pulling out of the market because Elon lies to manipulate shareholders and cost them billions and that has become even more obvious. Not because 'omg weed is bad.'"
Pirating is too expensive for most people because they can't afford the big sailing vessel.
Anyone buying a vessel for pirating doesn't know how pirating works.
The pretence that the drivers are independent contractors is just an end run around labour regulations.
From TFA:
Drivers will be full-time workers instead of contractors, and Amazon will require business owners to give them paid time off and other benefits.
If you answer to a corporation and not your customers...
Amazon would be the customer in this case since they are now and still will be the ones paying the delivery company for the service.
"We are regretful that this was not addressed immediately and adequately by our support team, when discovered. We have addressed this and made some internal changes."
They do however have a previous incident where the exact same thing happened, and in that case they apparently suggested it was because two completely unrelated users used the same user and password (which wasn't true).
if he'd put as much effort into studying as he did setting up this phishing attempt, he probably wouldn't have needed to change his grades
It's not surprising that he would put a huge amount of effort into something he found interesting and motivating, and was probably failing his other classes he hated (English class anyone?). I knew a guy in high school who had a seriously high IQ - he was the lead of the school team that does those trivia competitions and he would take a class's textbook home and read it for fun and ace the class tests. And he nearly failed every subject because he wouldn't do any of the assigned work which accounted for a significant portion of the marks.
I also think it has a positive effect on many restaurants (even if relatively small) to try and reduce fat and sugar in their food
In Canada we've had this for a while now, and this seems to ring true, especially with serving size. I go to Broadway's regularly and get a club sandwich with fries. It used to come on a plate where they'd put as many fries as would fit, but a couple years ago they started limiting the fries to a more reasonable fixed portion. This is likely because their menus now indicate the calorie size of a serving of fries, and "as many calories as can fit on your plate" doesn't sound very good.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.