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Submission + - A Plea For Websites To Stop Blocking Password Managers ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Password managers aren't a security panacea, but experts widely agree that it's better to use one than to have weak (but easy-to-remember) passwords. Just this week, they were listed as a tool non-experts don't use as much as experts do. I use one, and a pet peeve of mine is when a website specifically (or through bad design) interferes with the copying and pasting of a password. Thus, I appreciated this rant about it in Wired: "It’s unacceptable that in an age where our lives are increasingly being played out online, and are sometimes only protected by a password, some sites deliberately stop their users from being as secure as possible, for no really justifiable reason."

Submission + - How Amazon Echo Could Become The Next-Gen Selfie Stick

An anonymous reader writes: Interesting story on TechCrunch joining the dots on Amazon's interest in computer vision and its connected speaker-plus-virtual assistant in-home device, the Amazon Echo. The author speculates that if Amazon adds a camera to the Echo the device could be used for augmented reality-powered virtual try-ons of products such as clothes, streaming the results to the user's phone or TV.

From the article: "The product development process for Microsoft’s Kinect sensor took around four to five years from conception to shipping a consumer product. The computer vision field has clearly gained from a lot of research since then, and Woodford reckons Amazon could ship an Echo sensor in an even shorter timeframe — say, in the next two years — provided the business was entirely behind the idea and doing everything it could to get such a product to market."

Submission + - Modernizing the Copyright Office ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Joshua Simmons has written a new article discussing the growing consensus that it is time to modernize the Copyright Office. It reviews the developments that led to the last major revision of the Copyright Act; discusses Congress's focus since 1976 on narrower copyright bills, rather than a wholesale revision of U.S. copyright law, and the developments that have led to the review hearings; and considers the growing focus on Copyright Office modernization.

Submission + - HEVC Advance Announces H.265 Royalty Rates (

An anonymous reader writes: The HEVC Advance patent pool has announced the royalty rates for their patent license for HEVC (aka H.265) video. HEVC users must pay these fees in addition to the license fees payable to the competing MPEG LA HEVC patent pool. With HEVC Advance's fees targeting 0.5% of content owner revenue which could translate to licensing costs of over $100M a year for companies like Facebook and Netflix, Dan Rayburn from Streaming Media advocates that "content owners band together and agree not to license from HEVC Advance" in the hope that "HEVC Advance will fail in the market and be forced to change strategy, or change their terms to be fair and reasonable." John Carmack, Oculus VR CTO, has cited the new patent license as a reason to end his efforts to encode VR video with H.265.

Comment Re:Agreeing with Gov? (Score 1) 419

No this is a completely different situation. Microsoft is not being asked for their own company's data; they are being asked for someone else's data, which is hosted by a foreign company on foreign soil (though MS USA is the owner of MS Ireland). Also as they are asking for emails, they are not asking for the container, but for them to search and disseminate the contents of said container.

This would be more like a US court asking as US owner of a building in a foreign country which was rented by a foreign bank, to go in and open one of the bank's safe deposit boxes and search through it, find some items and ship them back to the US without the bank or the owner of the deposit box's permission.

Submission + - The IPV4 internet has broken ( 2

pla writes: Due to a new set of routes published today, the internet has effectively undergone a schism. All routers with a TCAM allocation of 512k (or less), in particular Cisco Catalyst 6500 and 7600's, have started randomly forgetting portions of the internet. Time to switch to all IPV6 yet?

Comment Re:OCR (Score 1) 149

I like the part where they are magically going to make OCR work via the camera on a cellphone.

Windows Phone already does that though, you hit the search button, choose eye, point it at something, choose scan text, it highlights all the text at which point you can either choose copy, search, or translate. If you translate it will overlay the translated text on the image in your chosen language.

Comment Re:Oh (Score 1) 474

Didn't Apple Computer, Inc only start making PCs in 2006? Before that they were making PowerPC based computers and prior to 1995 Motorola based computers. With the general definition of the PC market being something you can install Windows/DOS on or WinTel compatible; the IBM compatible bit being dropped some time ago. Though Apple Computer, Inc ceased to exist in 2007 when it became Apple Inc.

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