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Comment Re: The simplest way to do this thing (Score 0) 134

The approach in the case you mentioned is for the DOJ to break up the duopoly/monopoly so that free market competition can work its magic. The incorrect approach is to essentially socialize the market by having the government provide the service or subsidize the service or fix prices.

Comment Re: Okay. So let's say this is about expediency (Score 1) 117

The utterance of the words "I identify as " is not some magical incantation that magically transforms that person into X. We've all figured out that the emperor has no clothes and we are no longer going to kowtow to these mentally ill people anymore who want to redefine words like gender, woman, man, male, female, etc in order to turn their delusions and fantasies into reality. Don't even get me started on the pronoun insanity.

Comment Re: Racism, misogyny, and homophobia (Score 1) 117

Exactly. My former employer, a 1500+ employee high tech publicly traded company, bragged during an all hands meeting that they were hiring people through recruitment firms that discriminated based on race and gender (no whites, East Asians, or men allowed). Then I realized that was why we couldn't ever seem to hire get any qualified engineers for years. The HR director said that DEI was "very dear to her heart". I told her publicly we should hire based on merit only. I also told her that in order to be "inclusive" that the company should celebrate international mens day, not just international womens day. She had me immediately fired. The backlash was so huge from all the other engineers who liked me and depended on my work that she was either fired or resigned a few days later. Company had to shut down a $50M high-tech development program and layboff about 30 people mostly engineers just because they couldn't find anyone qualified to take over my work. Go woke go broke. DEI is done folks. Go watch Matt Walsh's "Am I racist?" and "What is a woman?". If you're one of those losers who went into debt to get one of those worthless degrees (gender studies, Africana studies, etc) that made you DEI certified, then I feel sorry for you. Time for you to work at Starbucks rather than getting paid to promote antiwhitism and misandry.

Comment The big lie (Score 3, Interesting) 117

Diversity and inclusion are not necessarily a source of strength. That depends on whether or not said diverse things (cultural elements, ideas, traditions, etc) are actually good based on their own merits. Only good things should actually be praised, adopted or "included". People who have less in common with each other are more likely to contend with one another, and less likely to achieve unity and consensus. There is strength in unity, but not necessarily diversity.

Comment Thanks to low industrial demand for electricity (Score 1) 135

Prices are a function of supply and demand. The fact that electricity prices have fallen so low is not something that should necessarily be celebrated if the reason is due to lack of industrial/manufacturing demand for electricity. Lack of manufacturing in first world nations is typically due to excessive regulations or taxes, both of which are really bad!

Comment Re: Makes a good point, but uses the wrong argume (Score 0) 90

I agree that some use of force is necessary, however that is the fault of the majority of people. Many people donate to charity willingly. If the country was sufficiently amazing, if the politicians weren't so corrupt, if the government wasn't so huge, if we weren't taxed to death to pay for its profligacy, then maybe more people would voluntarily donate to the State, especially if society appreciated and celebrated noble voluntary acts more than they currently do, rather than the stuff you see promoted during pride month. “If Men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself.” -- James Madison

Comment Exposion occurred a block from where my wife works (Score 0) 98

Right across the street from where she often gets lunch. She says there were lots of police there, guys in hazmat suits, and that the area had been cordoned off. Explosion happened in the middle of the night. Not sure if they eventually apprehended the culprits. I wonder if the culprits were native Germans or migrants.

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