It always amazes me when people comment on stuff they have no experience or real knowledge beyond what they saw on the internet and act like this is authoritative and they are now an expert but don't even understand the basics of the basics in the field. And I know you won't read this or understand it.
Boiling it down there is one primary difference between the normal approval and an emergency approval on vaccine. That is the phase III clinical trial is not complete but all evidence from all prior trials (Phase I and II) and ongoing Phase III points to safety. If you had a concept of the level of work that goes into proving safety and efficiency up to this point in the FDA approval process and you might understand why the risk is minuscule.
By the time you've gotten to the phase III trial the efficiency and safety are already mostly proven. The Phase III (because it's typically a very large trial group, sometimes with 20-50K participants) will generally shake out all the weird side effects and most of the drug interactions and it will reveal the long term effects because phase III trials generally take 2 years with an additional possible 3 years of long term monitoring after the Phase III if the drug/vaccine is approved if required by the FDA.
With emergency approval the drug/vaccine is already in the phase III trial, typically more than half way through, this means there is safety and efficiency data on the trial participants for up to a year after dosing the vaccine. Most of the Covid19 Vaccines had HUGE Phase III trial groups, IIRC the BioNTech vaccine had much more than 20k participants. Large trials like this are the gold standard for proving safety. It's incredibly rare for a side effect or long term complication to not be discovered in the Phase III. By the time you are a year in to the Phase III you generally know the result. The bulk of the remaining work is simply doing the FDA paperwork and peer review and statistical analysis that provides the hard numbers for all the reports.
The saddest bit is that human beings are absolutely lousy at weighing risks against other risks, particularly modern medical risks. The chance of a vaccine complication or issue developing post vaccine is a millionth times the risk of not getting vaccinated and eventually getting Covid19 that ends up causing permanent damage to your body. I suggest you google the phrase "long covid" and read some of the stories. Each variant to Covid19 is increasing the viruses infectivity and danger, including being far more dangerous for people younger than 50.
I'd rather risk a complication from the totally proven mRNA vaccines than risk needing a lung transplant in 10 years or having tinnitus so severe you kill yourself. The long term effects of having Covid19 are barely known at this point and you'd trade that unknown risk for the minuscule risk of a proven vaccine. That's sad.