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Submission + - Amazon Plants Fake Packages In Delivery Trucks As Part of Undercover Ploy (

An anonymous reader writes: Amazon uses fake packages to catch delivery drivers who are stealing, according to sources with knowledge of the practice. The company plants the packages — internally referred to as "dummy" packages — in the trucks of drivers at random. The dummy packages have fake labels and are often empty.

Here's how the practice works, according to the sources: During deliveries, drivers scan the labels of every package they deliver. When they scan a fake label on a dummy package, an error message will pop up. When this happens, drivers might call their supervisors to address the problem, or keep the package in their truck and return it to an Amazon warehouse at the end of their shift. Drivers, in theory, could also choose to steal the package. The error message means the package isn't detected in Amazon's system. As a result, it could go unnoticed if the package were to go missing. "If you bring the package back, you are innocent. If you don't, you're a thug," said Sid Shah, a former manager for DeliverOL, a courier company that delivers packages for Amazon.

Submission + - Jonathan Blow: "C++ is a weird mess" ( 2

slack_justyb writes: Jonathan Blow, an independent video game developer, indicated to that while working on a recent project he stopped and considered how miserable programming can be. After some reflection Blow came to the realization as to why. [C++ is a] "really terrible, terrible language."

The main flaw with C++, in Blow's opinion, is that it's a fiendishly complex and layered ecosystem that has becoming increasingly convoluted in its effort to solve different problems; the more layers, the higher the stack, the more wobbly it becomes, and the harder it is to understand.

Blow is the developer of two games so far. Braid and The Witness and developed a new programming language known as Jai in hopes to help C++ game developers become more productive.

With Jai, Blow hopes to achieve three things: improve the quality of life for the programmer because "we shouldn't be miserable like many of us are"; simplify the systems; and increase expressive power by allowing programmers to build a large amount of functionality with a small amount of code.

Is Blow correct? Has C++ become a horrific mess that we should ultimately relegate to the bins of COBOL and Pascal? Are there redeeming qualities of C++ that justify the tangle it has become? Is Jai a solution or just yet another programming language?

Submission + - Vendor tracks LinkedIn profile changes to alert client employers (

dcblogs writes: IT managers have long had the ability and right to monitor employee behavior on internal networks. Now, HR managers are getting similar capabilities thanks to cloud-based services — but for tracking employee activity outside of their employer's network. A controversy and court fight is swelling over its potential impact on employee privacy.A San Francisco-based startup, hiQ Labs Inc., offers products based on its analysis of publicly available LinkedIn data. One is Keeper, which identifies employees at risk of being recruited away, and another is Skill Mapper, which analyzes employee skills.The profile data is collected by software bots. The clients of hiQ's service may learn whether a LinkedIn member is a flight risk thanks to an individual risk score: high (red), medium (yellow) or low (green), according to court papers. LinkedIn is in court fighting this, but so far it's losing. A federal judge recently took exception to the use of the CFAA in this case "to punish hiQ for accessing publicly available data." The judge warned such an interpretation "could profoundly impact open access to the internet."

Comment There's still no free lunch. (Score 3, Interesting) 303

Before I found that there was a lot more money and a lost less hours and stress doing consulting than being a cubicle drone, I worked for a large hosting company.

Handling a DDOS attack is a piece of cake. We handled a few a week and this was in the early 2000s. We would watch the router traffic graphs and see a spike that might be eating 5% or 10% of our capacity and just grin. All you need is money. Your ISP needs giant pipes, spare server capacity distributed around the world and sharp network guys, and for the right price, they'll simply make the problem go away for you.

However the cost of doing this means that if $1500 to Rackspace sounds like a lot of money, you're not in this league.

If you're at the "less than $200/month" level for hosting, your best course of action is to not piss people off, and if you're attacked just hope you can wait it out.

The "up side" of having a small site with cheap hosting is that it probably won't actually do much damage to your business if it's down for a few days.

Comment Re:Wrong.!! (Score 1) 738

> I'm 43 and I work in the way he describes. I've never had more freedom, more time, or more money.

Absolutely! Start your own business and whore yourself out to the companies that were dumb enough to fire all their really talented guys.

I've never been happier. I wake up every morning at the crack of "whenever the hell I feel like it", make breakfast, take the dog out for a walk, then drop in on some clients.

While the money has never been better, the freedom and peace of mind is infinitely more valuable.

Comment Re:Planning for success (Score 1) 504

My bet here is that some Slashdot posters are going to enter this conversation and tell you that you don't need a CS degree to be successful. That you might even be able to get away with taking a few formal classes, working on some more open source projects, and to keep trying.

I have no CS degree. I have no degree of any kind and have been working in IT for 25+ years. I was snatched out of college before I had the chance to finish my P/E requirement. Apparently knowing how to run around a track or dribble a basketball was important somehow. In any case, I never went back and never finished.

In any case, once you have some successes under your belt, nobody gives a crap where (or if) you graduated.

While there's nothing wrong with a degree, it really doesn't certify that you have any special knowledge or level of expertise, it certifies that you're a good drone and can put up with huge quantities of pointless tasks and bullshit assignments, which makes you perfect for the corporate workforce or government.

Comment Re:Political Theory (Score 1) 94

* Ahem * As a degree holder in Political Science with a minor in International Relations, ,i>kaff-kaff,/i>, I may be able to contribute here. The suspicions above are not without foundation. However, historically whenever a totalitarian regime has tried to espouse free and independent thought in a "contained" place, they often wind up growing free thinkers that they cannot later control. Hitler tried coddling his engineers, but they wound up sending secrets to the English and Americans. Stalin tried pampering Sakarov. So while I wouldn't drop my drawers in Chongqing's proposed Cloud Computing Special Zone, but I would applaud and encourage it. It could become an incubator for a representative there who actually believes what he's promising and would be frustrated to learn he's a front... a breeding ground for future Nobel Peace Prize nominees. So polite hurrahs are warranted.

Oddly enough, the Chinese government isn't stupid and takes a very long-term view of things.

This could be exactly what they're planning and want this to happen so they can have the benefits and freedom due to the "changing times" without having to embarrass themselves by back-peddling with their current policy. It also lets them selectively enforce "who has freedom" by allowing the access policy to the area be "leaky".

Comment Not possible on a shared host (Score 2) 182

If you don't control everything on the box, you can't ensure security.

Regardless of what they claim or what they do, you're essentially sharing the box with hundreds or thousands of other users who potentially have access to run whatever they feel like.

I would suggest a Virtual Private Server on Linode. Your server is yours and security will live or die by how you configure it.

Comment It's false scarcity based on greed. (Score 2) 537

When most of the long haul and medium haul fiber was laid, they didn't just bury what they needed, they buried a bunch of it. However most was never connected to equipment (lit up).

This dark fiber is still sitting in trenches and conduits (many were taxpayer funded) running along a huge number of US superhighways, and has not seen a single byte of data.

This is mostly because having additional capacity would remove the artifical limits, increase the supply and cause prices for internet access to drop.

While some companies have problems with "the last mile" (to the home), companies that ran fiber to the home like Verizon, are still attempting to limit bandwidth and create artifical shortages.


Submission + - US Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Bill to be R (

suraj.sun writes: The resurgence of the so-called “kill switch” legislation came the same day Egyptians faced an internet blackout designed to counter massive demonstrations in that country.

The bill, which has bipartisan support, is being floated by Sen. Susan Collins, the Republican ranking member on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. The proposed legislation, which Collins said would not give the president the same power Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak is exercising to quell dissent, sailed through the Homeland Security Committee in December but expired with the new Congress weeks later.

“My legislation would provide a mechanism for the government to work with the private sector in the event of a true cyber emergency,” Collins said in an e-mail Friday. “It would give our nation the best tools available to swiftly respond to a significant threat.”


Comment Re:Chill out... (Score 1) 347

My answer was to "say no"

In fact, I went on to say "If you really need 24x7x365 support, you need three shifts of employees, not one poor bastard that you think you can call at 3am because something is unhappy"

It worked just fine and I never got a call. when I went home at night, I was gone. When I came back in the morning, I was there.

Setting limits with employers will do wonders for reducing stress and workload. They probably won't fire you unless they're complete dickheads, in which case a better job awaits somewhere else.

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