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Comment Re:Let's see... (Score 1) 112

The Democrats were doomed the moment Trump signed PPP into law, then promptly removed any oversight, along with fucking up Covid. That set the stage for massive inflation, that EVERYONE suffered from, which Democrats got the blame for. Really that simple. It's why Trump is going all in on corruption, they either rig the elections, or lose massively in the mid terms as they crater the economy on their way to a tech bro utopia of Libertarian fantasy where you pay extra for everything, and nearly everything will be made anywhere but the US since the US will have ended all science and research to appease the oligarchs (mainly Musks delusions about being the savior of humanity by going to Mars).

Comment Re:Not a Good Plan (Score 1) 320

Yeah, from all accounts, it would be basically a California to the US, politically speaking. And practically speaking, it would be worse for the reich wing, there would be like 5-10 new states, so that's easily 0-3 new Republican Senators, and 10-17 new Democrat senators, giving Democrats a near permanent majority in Congress.

Comment Re:I love Trump's intellectual consistency. (Score 1) 109

The 1A has nothing to do with it. Foreign companies have quite literally ZERO guarantees to do business in the US. Honestly the entire discussion should center around the Commerce Clause, which gives clear power to the US Federal government to control and regulate trade internationally. As such, any foreign business has to comply with whatever rules put forth. I would note, Tiktok wasn't banned per se. It was required to reincorporate with all materials present in a US own company, and they refused. The pure irony is this kind of arrangement is the standard law in China, it is effectively illegal to not do this in China, there's barely any true foreign companies in China.

Comment Re: Lol (Score 1) 198

Which mean we will reach Truth that we are all very, very, very stupid and catering to stupidity wins elections. So you are saying, the only people who can win elections are gifted liars, grifters, con artists and anyone else who can do a long format of bullshit while shooting the breeze. That's... impressive, will absolutely get you largely losers for office, incompetent hacks that don't know a thing about... well... anything, other then how to shoot the breeze. Under your idea of truth and the future, we are fucked... massively.

Comment Re:Okay. So let's say this is about expediency (Score 0) 117

And don't expect any favors from me.

We didn't expect any, we expected you would treat people fairly. They weren't, they were denied, murdered, redlined, etc. So you got DEI. Don't like it, don't silently abuse people. I treat everyone equally, whereas the reich wing implicitly treated anyone of the "wrong" category as subhuman and filed them away. Maybe when enough boomers are dead (the people were directly members of the Klan and were truly racist scum), and there's not racism behind closed doors, will things not require DEI. Going to be a lot of reich wing terror and violence in the next 4 years, but in true "equality" the victims won't be identified and the entire thing will be swept under the rug, unless reich wing goes truly mask off and explicitly starts listing people to be killed over sexuality (nowadays, they just terrorize for fun).

Comment Re:Buch of two-faced traitors. (Score -1, Flamebait) 225

Ahh... both sides are the same am I right?

How about the simple reality is that before, reich wingers simply LIED a TON more.

So Fuck You, you facist scumbag. The right always had billionaires (see Kochs, Adelsons, Murdochs to name a few).

Now they've gone mask off, it is time for the peasants to be culled all for the glory of the Reich of Musk, Trump and Thiel, who truly believe they are superior humans beings (which I know isn't true, a bullet to their heads works the same as any other human).

Comment Re:The check cashed (Score 1) 119

Let's all just act like adults and put the cards on the table:

Yes, let's do so, Trump is corrupt. End of story, he is entirely transactional, so ANYTHING he does is based on how much it benefits him, so it entirely comes down to who talked to him last, or who bribed him last.

And yes, to all you clown liberals, I voted for him this time. Didn't really want to, but y'all made it personal.

Thank you for confirming you have no real ethics and can be easily persuaded by propaganda. Enjoy the tanked economy. You did want to, because there's not really such a thing as "undecided" just "I'm embarrassed to enjoy this diet of propaganda, largely running on hate" Enjoy the destruction of the American experiment, it was nice while it was lasted. We will have faux elections, but we have now begun the transition to an extractive system for the elite, where the oligarchs choose how the serfs will serve them for the subsequent 4 years. Each elections will see further degradation of civil rights until we at last arrive at "What shall Ceaser command?"

Comment Re:Woke gaming industry, not gaming industry (Score 2) 123

Better that people like you die off before you bring back slavery, martial rape, among other fine Western "traditions".

Also, I hope one day someone fires you for being white, so you can experience racism, since you approve of it so much. I hope one day you become a DEI hire because you are not the de jure most powerful ethnic/gender group.

Man, I swear, are conservatives REALLY this brain damaged and myopic? I'm pretty sure I can get them to sign up for having their own wives raped if I say the right magical conservative incantation about DEI/Woke/Liberals.

Comment Re:Seems only the hate-mongers will remain on Twit (Score 3, Insightful) 86

Difficult to have open conversations with bots, russian psyops, and actual Nazi's, along with actual sexist people ("Your body, my choice", isn't something we can really have an open conversation about).

There's disagreements and there's "You don't have any right to exist" and "Status quo is just fine, just shutup and tolerate being denigrated as subhuman for merely EXISTING, without any action"

I imagine you will be arguing people should be having open conversations on who will be rounded up and put into concentration camps? Or perhaps open conversations on how much fraud should be permitted because of how wealthy someone is? Or perhaps open conversations on how many deaths are acceptable in the pursuit of right wing ideals?

It's ironic, for decades right wingers dismissed everyone else concern, and finally now that they have been on the receiving end, they cry and say "Why so mean and toxic" without a shred of self realization.

Comment Re:Collectivist mantra (Score 1) 81

And you represent the essence of neo-feudalism where my bank account is the sole determiner of my worth to society and those poor's should just die more efficiently to pave the way for the glorious ubermensch to rule the masses.

I look forward to you being injured or killed due to a corporate action and it is legal to do so because all those pesky regulations were repealed. I look forward to your bank account being drained, scammed away and defrauded, because guess what, no regulations, so it is legal. In other words, you are the peasant whose entire existance is subject to your corporate lord's whim.

You libertarian types complain about statism, while pushing for corporate power that is functionally identical, and if permitted, would happily massacre people for added profits.

You want anarchy? Live on a different planet. Go live where you are alone and die well there.

Comment Re:Mark my words (Score 2) 103

Given who just got elected... I honestly would prefer China running things, they at least give results in exchange for the political suppression. Here, the US will get the reichwing suppression and none of the results. Becoming a Chinese protectorate may be a good idea for several states, to shield them from the reich wing in America.

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