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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Be wary of everything, then?  *Sunday January 29, 2012 @06:03PM  2
   attached to Defending Your Cellphone Against Malware
Country code TLDs only  *Saturday November 19, 2011 @10:03AM  3
   attached to Two Porn Companies Take ICANN and .xxx Registrar To Court
Re:10 years ago  *Thursday November 17, 2011 @01:32PM  3
NSD  *Thursday November 17, 2011 @01:22PM  4, Informative
   attached to Potential 0-Day Vulnerability For BIND 9
Re:"In Soviet America"? Please.  *Tuesday June 12, 2007 @12:32PM  2
   attached to Blogger Removed From NCAA Game for Blogging
Behaves like a traditional CD in a Mac?  *Tuesday October 04, 2005 @06:02PM 3 2
   attached to Sony Doing An End Run Around Its Own DRM
Keep it simple and minimal  *Tuesday October 04, 2005 @05:27PM 2 5, Informative
   attached to Additional Software for a Homemade PVR?
Ponzi scheme  *Wednesday September 14, 2005 @07:10PM 1 2
   attached to Free 3D Animation DAZ|Studio 1.0 Released
Re:easy: immediate disclosure with technical detai  *Wednesday September 07, 2005 @06:39PM  2
   attached to What is Responsible Disclosure for Security Flaws?
Missing: advantages of postfix  *Wednesday June 29, 2005 @04:29PM 5 1, Offtopic
   attached to The Book of Postfix
Re:China will play along  *Wednesday May 25, 2005 @12:20AM  2
   attached to FTC Recommends ISPs Disconnect Spam Zombies
Re:It's all FUD  *Tuesday April 19, 2005 @09:03PM  2
It's all FUD  *Tuesday April 19, 2005 @07:23PM 2 2
   attached to Bluetooth on an Airplane?
Re:Driving on the Right Side  *Wednesday April 13, 2005 @07:35PM 1 2
   attached to Naturally Occurring Standards
Re:whoever, not whomever  *Tuesday April 12, 2005 @09:33PM  2
Re:whoever, not whomever  *Tuesday April 12, 2005 @08:18PM 4 1, Offtopic
   attached to Intel Seeking Moore's Law Original Publication
Re:Protection  *Tuesday April 05, 2005 @01:11PM  2
   attached to Feds Hack Wireless Network in 3 Minutes
High-power RF interference  *Monday March 21, 2005 @02:02PM 7 5, Interesting
   attached to Build Your Own Cell tower
My favourite title  *Wednesday March 16, 2005 @08:22PM  1
   attached to Poll: Preferred Title?
DirecTivo features?  *Tuesday March 15, 2005 @02:55PM  2, Interesting
   attached to Tivo Signs Deal With Comcast
Redundancy vs. Archival  *Tuesday March 15, 2005 @03:11PM  1
   attached to Automated CD/DVD Archival?
100y ago  *Tuesday March 15, 2005 @03:19PM  1
   attached to Poll: I'd rather have been born ...
Re:stem cell progress  *Saturday March 12, 2005 @03:40PM  1
   attached to Stem Cells Cultivated Free of Animal Contaminants
Re:Larry Mumper -- a BG check  *Tuesday March 08, 2005 @01:35PM  2, Insightful
   attached to Ohio Wants eBayers to Post $50k Bond

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
