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Comment Be wary of everything, then? (Score 1) 157

"be wary of apps that want permission to ... connect to the Internet or reveal your identity and location"

So, pretty much all of them, then. Great.

Increasingly, I find myself alarmed at how many "need" the access to my contacts permission in order to operate. As well as those that need my location (for better targeted advertising, apparently).
I hope the masses eventually wise up to this and start refusing even the big-name apps until they relinquish permissions they don't *really* need.

Comment Re:10 years ago (Score 2) 187

My understanding was while that he permitted source redistribution, he insisted that it be only distributed unmodified, and never binary distribution. He also generally refused to accept patches, apparently thinking his pristine work ought to be good enough for everyone. (It was good, but needed features as time went on.) This meant that any "improvements" could only be distributed as patches. As a result, only source-based distros had an easy time packaging it, since sources + patches + build instructions is how they do business anyway. Having no friends with the binary distros, it got little distribution. It also languished on the vine since no one could push improvements upstream. Apparently he subsequently released both qmail and djbdns into full public domain, which means in theory they could be packaged and distributed normally now. Unfortunately, it seems too late for it to matter.

Comment Re:"In Soviet America"? Please. (Score 1) 302

This is not a retransmission, however, which carries particular legal significance.

I recall noticing that, lately, sports leagues have been augmenting their disclaimers' legalese with the phrase "accounts of the game" when referring to what you may not transmit or retransmit without expressed written permission. I wondering if that would hold water should it ever be tested in a court. It seems, at least to me, that "accounts of the game" seem fundamental to sports journalism.


Feed While Waiting To Be Acquired, DoubleClick Aims High (

While Google and Microsoft battle for the control of DoubleClick, the company itself is making moves to strengthen its role in the online advertising space. The company already connects ad buyers with websites, and now trying build an all-encompassing exchange, a place for all the parties involved to easily auction off and bid on ad inventory, and then track performance. The company is likening the system to a cross between eBay and Sabre, the massive airline reservations system, while the New York Times compares it to the NASDAQ. Although there may be some room to make this space more efficient (and auctions should help), much of this sounds like the hyperbolic talk surrounding B2B exchanges during the last bubble. Back then, many companies had designs on becoming the NASDAQ of chemistry supplies or steel. Companies were particularly fond of the NASDAQ comparison, since it was the most visible manifestation of the boom. Needless to say, almost all of these companies eventually fizzled out. For DoubleClick, whose history is closely tied to the bubble, it's not a surprise to see them pursue such a big ambition, but actually getting all of these disparate players onto a single platform will prove extremely difficult. If Google or Microsoft were to buy the company out, it might prove even harder, since many of the independent advertising networks that are expected to participate in the exchange may be hesitant about handing more power to their larger competitors.

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