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Comment Re: CTRL-C (Score 5, Informative) 81

Not enough people seem to know of :x (which is save and quit, the same as :wq).

Close, but not exactly the same. :x is even better, because :wq will force a write no matter what, and :x will only write if the document has changed.

Comment Re:Thunderbird (Score 1) 228

Thunderbird is the most lightweight email client that I can see.

I moved from TB to mutt/neomutt a couple of years ago and never looked back. It took a little while to set up, but the migration was definitely worth it. TB is extremely bloated in comparison.

Comment Re:Makes Mice Crazy (Score 1) 209

This actually has everything to do with this article! One hypothesis is that toxo-infected humans have increased risk-taking behaviour. There's an association with toxoplasmosis and accidents/suicides, for example. This risk-taking would supposedly make humans more susceptible to being predated on by big cats, thus again allowing toxo to continue its life cycle. Presumably if the parasite can mess with your brain, it's also capable of doing other things that might make you more likely to be eaten by Smilodon.

Comment Re:Plug the digital hole. (Score 1) 346

Yes, I can also recommend Squeezebox aka Logitech Media Server. I also have a few Raspberry Pis running it. The other advantage over Sonos (apart from being cheaper and libre) is that you supply your own sound system, so you are not tied into their hardware, and you can use a cheap but quality old amp.

Comment Re:False positives (Score 1) 102

I would rather see patients come into the hospital because of a false positive rather than sit around with nothing and "hope" nothing's wrong.

If they can't quantify the false positive rate, then it's potentially useless. It's like saying having blood is an indicator of stroke risk. 100% of strokes are caused by having blood. However, if you don't report the false positive rate, it's meaningless. Just because you have blood (or an abnormal heart rhythm) doesn't mean you have an increased chance of strokes.

Comment False positives (Score 3, Insightful) 102

> About a quarter of strokes are caused by an abnormal heart rhythm

But what about the opposite? How frequently does an abnormal heart rhythm result in a stroke? TFA doesn't mention it.

If this is a low proportion, then there will be many false positives, making detection of abnormal heart rhythm useless in terms of stroke prediction. It will only serve in increase anxiety of users.

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