Arab men don't look at/for porn. It is forbidden by the dominant religion over there.
Advice: feel free to say it, don't bet anything on it. It's like saying "not a single american drunk anything with alcohol in it during prohibition". FAIL.
Is 'firefox' a browser or a unit of currency in Italy?
Currency in Italy grows quicker than firefox version number, sadly...
They don't have a TRADEmark, just some mark. I read it also on but I can't find the article now..
That's the (awesome) point: they sue Apple because they have a name and a logo! I think if your business is so tightly connected with your name, you should *at least* bother to trademark it, not just have someone design you a logo (unless you're used to it in USA, I hope not)
Just stop granting random patents because the people who decide on 'em can't understand what's written in a paper.
Let real tech people judge and - eventually - grant a *limited* patent, but stop giving away things because people can't read a proposal..
Mac OS X's future is on high end workstations, targeting the professional and power user markets. Apple's consumer strategy will be centered on iOS.
Don't think they just spent countless man hours to develop a brand new Final Cut suite to throw away it all some weeks later. iOS for the win, but on *lower* devices, the most advanced Unix-based S.O. on *higher* devices. From a certain point of view *everything* is a device.
Great - Updated from "" to "". Much better...
The broken link is half of the 30-year-lag experience.
Maybe it WAS a cube farm and it made porno boring and repetitive...
dunno if it was boring, quite sure it was repetitive
I was under the impression that *anyone* can be Anonymous. If that's the case, Anonymous can't prove that Anonymous didn't do it.
Neither you can prove that Anonymous did it, a txt isn't enough.
Quite interesting, GNOME already have *a lot* of core applications backed by Mono... Who will tell 'em?
As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare