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Submission + - Unity 8 and Snaps Are Conquering the Ubuntu Desktop After Ubuntu 16.10

prisoninmate writes: Today is the last day of the Ubuntu Online Summit 2016, and the Ubuntu developers discussed the future of the Ubuntu Desktop for Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) and beyond, and it looks like Snaps (Snappy) and Unity 8 with Mir are slowly conquering the Ubuntu Desktop, at least according to Canonical's Will Cooke, Ubuntu Desktop Manager. Work has already begun on pushing these new and modern technologies to the Ubuntu Desktop, as Ubuntu 16.04 LTS has just received support for installing Snaps from the Ubuntu Snappy Store. Canonical's Will Cooke has mentioned the fact that the Unity 7 desktop enters its twilight years, which means that it gets fewer features and it's being reduced to only critical and OEM work. This is because Unity 8 desktop is getting all the attention now, and it will become the default desktop session somewhere after Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak).

Submission + - The government wants your fingerprint to unlock your phone (latimes.com)

schwit1 writes: As the world watched the FBI spar with Apple this winter in an attempt to hack into a San Bernardino shooter's iPhone, federal officials were quietly waging a different encryption battle in a Los Angeles courtroom.

There, authorities obtained a search warrant compelling the girlfriend of an alleged Armenian gang member to press her finger against an iPhone that had been seized from a Glendale home. The phone contained Apple's fingerprint identification system for unlocking, and prosecutors wanted access to the data inside it.

It marked a rare time that prosecutors have demanded a person provide a fingerprint to open a computer, but experts expect such cases to become more common as cracking digital security becomes a larger part of law enforcement work.

The Glendale case and others like it are forcing courts to address a basic question: How far can the government go to obtain biometric markers such as fingerprints and hair?

Comment Re:Maybe not trademarked by iCloud Communcations (Score 1) 394

They don't have a TRADEmark, just some mark. I read it also on macrumors.com but I can't find the article now..

That's the (awesome) point: they sue Apple because they have a name and a logo! I think if your business is so tightly connected with your name, you should *at least* bother to trademark it, not just have someone design you a logo (unless you're used to it in USA, I hope not)

Comment Re:Nonsense (Score 1) 577

Mac OS X's future is on high end workstations, targeting the professional and power user markets. Apple's consumer strategy will be centered on iOS.


Don't think they just spent countless man hours to develop a brand new Final Cut suite to throw away it all some weeks later. iOS for the win, but on *lower* devices, the most advanced Unix-based S.O. on *higher* devices. From a certain point of view *everything* is a device.

Comment Learn it. (Score 2) 260

Use and study it as much as you can: knowledge pays for itself and OSX Server is not the same thing as a raw linux/bsd box. (And while you're at it: enjoy every single pixel of their Apache and Mailman admin interface OSX style, you'll miss 'em in real life!)

Comment Re:You don't know what you are talking about (Score 1) 224

I had to work with them setting up some resources while working for a major adult website, as far as I can tell they just had talks with a lot of people in that community (450K+ people) about why they like and don't like. Don't know if this qualify as 'methodology' but at least they bother to talk with actual people and their approach was quite professional and scientific (given their public talks at least). Apart from that I'm just happy those hours setting up blogs had a reason :-)

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