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Comment Re:Give it away and it is not yours (Score 1) 300

Income should be taxed. But why as an exit from an estate? Either its a W2 (or 1099 or some such IRS monster) or its not income. I wasn't saying income isn't taxed. But this is posting about estate tax. Yes tax income, even inherited money. That should have nothing to do with my bequeathment. If I leave my plumbing business to my son, its unrealized gain. When he takes a salary or disbursement (or sells the business), then its income and should be taxed.

Seems there are two camps on here.

1. Anti IRS gobbling machine (my camp)

2. Anti 1%, even if it might help some 80%. Fuck the 1%

Not that I am in the habit of advocating for the mega rich, but a $5M business is not that mighty big. A business of that size isn't paying out Ferrari's to a anyone's kid. That is not the same as $5M cash. Yet the business will have to be sold off to pay for an estate tax. Assuming you can find a buyer. Anyone selling a house the last 5 years should know just cause it appraised a certain amount, doesn't translate to having a buyer for it at that price.

Comment I stopped reading the review at... (Score 0) 83

"Legend has removed half-breeds like half-elves and half-orcs citing the impossibility or unlikelihood of inter–species breeding. I mean, horses and donkeys may look similar, but they can’t interbreed. What would you even call them? Dorses? Honkeys?" --

I can not take anyone seriously that can not be bothered with fact checking before open their mouths first.

Its called a MULE, you jackass.

Look it up.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2, Interesting) 283

Yes NAT is a pain..and some cases breaks business apps. Hair Pin turns are the bane of my existence. But you are saying place thing either outside a firewall because its easier, or place your support staff on the Internet with out VPN?

I agree that ISP have a need for IPv6. But why would a Windows 7 user need it? Default out of the box? Or did I miss read that MS has that service on by default?

Introducing the Warpship 361

astroengine writes "Dr. Richard Obousy, a guy who has put modern science into the warp drive, has designed his very own warpship. Now, for the first time, he's shared it with the world. It might not be the sleek Starship Enterprise, but its structure has been optimized to harness local 'dark energy,' generating a warp bubble so faster-than-light velocities are possible." Now, the only question is: will the ship achieve faster-than-light travel ... or will the company hit those speeds once it has enough money from investors?

Comment Re:Did he take it well? (Score 0, Flamebait) 196

Yes Americans are known emotional types. For instance that Futbol game where people were crushed to death when the stadium collapsed with people in it to the ground.
I believe they were from Nottingham Forest and Liverpool.
Yes those AMERICANS RAPID fans. Packing in like sardines to see a game. Crazy bastards!
Not like you well mannered Brits. Limey's are the salt of the earth.

Submission + - MP3's Loss, Open Source's Gain

nadamsieee writes: "Eliot Van Buskirk has an interesting piece over at Wired about the fall-out from Microsoft's recent courtroom loss to Alcatel-Lucent over MP3 patents. From the article: "Alcatel-Lucent isn't the only winner in a federal jury's $1.52 billion patent infringement award against Microsoft this week. Other beneficiaries are the many rivals to the MP3 audio-compression format... Now, with a cloud over the de facto industry standard, companies that rely on MP3 may finally have sufficient motivation to move on. And that raises some tantalizing possibilities, including a real long shot: Open-source, royalty-free formats win.""

'Daylight Savings Bugs' Loom 403

An anonymous reader writes "ZDNet has front page coverage of the looming daylight savings changeover, and the bugs that may crop up this year. With the extension of daylight savings time by four weeks, some engineers and programmers are warning that unprepared companies will experience serious problems in March. While companies like Microsoft have already patched their software, Gartner is warning that bugs in the travel and banking sectors could have unforeseen consequences in the coming months. ' In addition, trading applications might execute purchases and sales at the wrong time, and cell phone-billing software could charge peak rates at off-peak hours. On top of that, the effect is expected to be felt around the world: Canada and Bermuda are conforming to the U.S.-mandated change, and time zone shifts have happened in other locales as well.'" Is this just more Y2K doomsaying, or do you think there's a serious problem here?

Submission + - Bionic eye could restore vision

MattSparkes writes: "A new bionic eye could restore vision to the profoundly blind. A prototype was tested on six patients and "within a few weeks all could detect light, identify objects and even perceive motion again. For one patient, this was the first time he had seen anything in half a century." The user wears a pair of glasses that contain a miniature camera and that wirelessly transmits video to a cellphone-sized computer in the wearer's pocket. This computer processes the image information and wirelessly transmits it to a tiny electronic receiver implanted in the wearer's head."

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