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Comment Re:Difference? (Score 1) 366

I don't know - I would guess very little if any. The only reference I could find was this, but it's about the Nexus One:

Google is not trying to make a profit on sales of the Nexus, said Rubin. Instead, it's trying to "make sure we have great access to Google services... and the best possible Web experience," he explained. "You buy this and the advertising model takes off."


I don't think the concepts are that hard to grasp - the profit from phone sales pretty much all go to the manufacturer. I'm not sure if you're being deliberately obtuse here?

Comment Re:Yup (Score 1) 282

I think the point that is being made is:

A) BBC is owned by the British Public.
B) Some of the British public is not happy with how it is doing business.

We're not talking about consumer rights. We're talking about shareholders' rights.

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