Comment Re:Why even ask this question? (Score 0) 234
this is not always a practical benchmark. People writing the law are not thinking about practicality, and are often not the sharpest tools in the shed.
Assuming the road is a 35 mph road.
1. At what point does the car ignore the crosswalk? You are doing 35 mph, does the car have to slam on the breaks because someone looks like they might cross?
2. How much of the pedestrian has to be in the crosswalk? One toe? Can a pedestrian just stand in the crosswalk talking and stall traffic for 30 minutes? My wife would do this, she is 100% oblivious to her surroundings when talking. She could stall out an intersection multiple times a day, feel horrible it each time, and proceed to do the same thing again with no memory of the previous time. (ADHD for the win).
3. how does this relate parking lots. My Walmart has crosswalks and there is a stead stream of people in and out. If you waited for everyone to be out of the crosswalk you could be there hours. There is a protocol to just slowly move forward to get thru.