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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Money trumps all  *Tuesday August 12, 2014 @11:29PM  0
   attached to Scientists Who Smuggle Radioactive Materials
Re:I know where . . .  *Friday May 15, 2009 @09:50PM 1 1, Informative
   attached to Hosting a Highly Inflammatory Document?
Re:Retarded comment  *Sunday May 03, 2009 @01:01AM  0
Retarded conspiracy theory  *Saturday May 02, 2009 @10:41PM 1 0
   attached to Book: The Fluoride Deception
Can you imagine...  *Monday February 07, 2005 @02:37PM  -1, Redundant
   attached to Dual-Core Pentium 4 Slated For 2Q 2005
It will be nice to have this  *Thursday December 23, 2004 @02:58PM  -1
   attached to External TV Tuners/PVR Devices Tested
Re:Is Anyone Surprised? Didn't Think So...  *Friday December 24, 2004 @02:47AM 1 1
Re:it's mine i can do whatever...  *Thursday December 23, 2004 @05:37PM 1 1
Re:Is Anyone Surprised? Didn't Think So...  *Thursday December 23, 2004 @03:28PM 1 0, Insightful
Re:it's mine i can do whatever...  *Thursday December 23, 2004 @03:06PM 1 1, Insightful
   attached to Valve Bans Another 30,000 Steam Users
Amazon link  *Wednesday December 22, 2004 @03:53PM 1 0
   attached to Prime Obsession
Re:Official Respons from Google.  *Sunday November 07, 2004 @04:56PM  -1, Troll
   attached to Google Censors Abu Ghraib Images [updated]
Re:Seriously, folks  *Monday August 02, 2004 @12:00AM  1, Flamebait
   attached to Steve Jobs Undergoes Cancer Surgery
Add a frickin linkchecker  *Friday July 16, 2004 @08:52PM  0, Troll
   attached to System Downtime, Maintenance
IRC  *Tuesday July 06, 2004 @09:26PM  1
   attached to Large, Free, and Interesting SQL-ready Datasets?
Re:Obligatory  *Thursday July 01, 2004 @09:06AM  0
   attached to Lead Developer of SPF Anti-Spam Scheme Interviewed
Re:As always  *Wednesday June 23, 2004 @11:27AM 1 2, Informative
   attached to ESR's Halloween XI -- Get the FUD
So he's pretty much out of his mind?  *Friday June 18, 2004 @01:12PM 6 4, Interesting
   attached to Sen. Hatch to Introduce Wide-ranging Copyright Bill
Digital Convergence?  *Tuesday June 15, 2004 @03:24PM 2 5, Funny
   attached to Big Bang of Convergence
Re:You Need A Good Lawyer  *Friday June 04, 2004 @07:42PM 2 0
   attached to A Portable Satellite ISP in the Middle East?
RIP Alpha  *Monday May 31, 2004 @02:56AM 2 2, Interesting
   attached to Gentoo/PPC64 Beta Live CDs Released
I oppose this space mission...  *Sunday May 30, 2004 @01:39AM 1 -1, Offtopic
   attached to Cassini Alters Path. Phoebe Now In Sight!
Re:WAY simplistic  *Tuesday May 18, 2004 @07:40PM  1
   attached to Out of Gas
This is the way it is supposed to be.  *Sunday April 25, 2004 @08:26PM 1 1
   attached to Hardware Manufacturers Making PC Gaming Too Elite?

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
