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Yes!  *Friday May 03, 2002 @08:32PM  0
   attached to Journal Discussion: Ever notice?
Re:I am sure that....  *Wednesday May 01, 2002 @06:57PM 1 -1, Troll
   attached to Apple Sues Sorenson Over QuickTime Codec
Wasn't the real father of Java...  *Wednesday May 01, 2002 @07:00PM  1
   attached to Interview With James Gosling
Re:Technical Solution  *Wednesday May 01, 2002 @07:02PM  0
   attached to "Deep Linking" Controversy Renewed in Texas
1600 x 1200 LCDs! Finally!  *Wednesday May 01, 2002 @11:38AM  0
   attached to 21.3" LCD Monitor Reviewed
It's really not "Linux" per se...  *Tuesday April 30, 2002 @02:04PM  0, Insightful
   attached to Linux Powers Digital Muppets
Why doesn't YAHOO...  *Tuesday April 30, 2002 @12:44PM  -1
   attached to Using Google to Calculate Web Decay
THis is not a troll!  *Monday April 29, 2002 @11:24AM  -1, Offtopic
The book you should get is "Java tools for..."  *Monday April 29, 2002 @11:06AM 1 -1, Troll
   attached to Java Tools For Extreme Programming
The problem starts with H1-B programmers...  *Sunday April 28, 2002 @02:42PM  -1
   attached to Tech Support Getting Even Worse
Re:Is it just me..  *Sunday April 28, 2002 @02:41AM 1 -1, Troll
   attached to MS Exec Testifies In Favor of OS Manipulation
But the image on the screen doesn't....  *Saturday April 27, 2002 @05:16PM  0
   attached to Build a PC Inside of a Mac
China's "massive attack" has already happened.  *Thursday April 25, 2002 @04:56PM  0
   attached to CIA Warns China Might Be Planning Cyber Attack
Re:Existing system works - why change?  *Wednesday April 24, 2002 @04:42PM  0
Re:Existing system works - why change?  *Wednesday April 24, 2002 @11:10AM 1 0
   attached to VoIP at $15 a Pop
I saw Linus once...  *Friday April 19, 2002 @11:28AM  0
   attached to Revolution OS
Re:I'll tell you why they surf so slowly...  *Sunday April 21, 2002 @05:23PM  0
I'll tell you why they surf so slowly...  *Friday April 19, 2002 @11:32AM 3 1, Flamebait
   attached to Mac OS X Slow for Web Browsing?
Re:inflammable  *Friday March 29, 2002 @12:56PM  0
   attached to Weirdest Case Mod You've Ever Seen
itty-bitty wittle apple developer...  *Tuesday March 26, 2002 @01:44AM  0
   attached to Apple Cuts Off Under-18 Darwin Developer
What's wrong with that?  *Tuesday March 19, 2002 @03:11AM 1 0
Re:Crippling.  *Tuesday March 19, 2002 @03:09AM  0
   attached to No More Unrestricted Internet At Work
Your "pro-thief" bias shows in your headline.  *Wednesday March 06, 2002 @02:40PM  0
   attached to College Students Are Buying More, Warez-ing Less
This proves it for me!  *Thursday February 28, 2002 @08:16PM  -1, Flamebait
   attached to iWarez

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
