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Comment gotta decide what makes you happy (Score 1) 397

after working my old job for 6 years, waking up every morning saying "i don't want to go to work", I finally completely changed industries and got a new job this year. It was 100% the right decision. But, I gave up working at home, hanging out with my dog all day, and about 10% of my pay. Still, I only have a 10 minute bike ride to work (or 30 minute walk), I can wear shorts in the summer, and I'm more or less my own boss. I've been here for the better part of a year now and I still enjoy every day. It's all about deciding what makes you happy.

Comment I just did this too, this month (Score 1) 504

I graduated with a mechanical engineering degree and got into an industry that I didn't particularly care for out of college. I sat at a computer working in 2d autocad all day. It was supposed to just be a pay check while i searched for my dream job and ended up lasting 6 years. Long story short, through my entire year long search for a "dream job", every company I interviewed with said they didn't care about degrees, they just wanted someone with experience. When I interviewed for programming positions, they just wanted a strong portfolio. When i got tired of interviewing for programming positions for over a year and not even getting one offer, I changed my search to linux system administration and found a job within a month. I got a junior position and my boss said he didn't really mind that I am lacking in the more technical aspects of networking and such. I think it mostly came down to me presenting myself in a professional manner at my interview, having general corporate experience, being organized, and generally not being an idiot. Apparently the only other person they interviewed didn't even come in, it was over skype and the girl didn't even dress up. And there were about 30 other resumes, some of them were University of Phoenix grads. My boss just laughed at them. so, tl;dr: as long as you know your stuff, it doesn't matter what your degree is in.

Submission + - AMD's New Flagship HD 6990 Tested (overclockers.com)

I.M.O.G. writes: "Today AMD officially introduces their newest flagship GPU, the Radeon HD 6990. Targeted to counter Nvidia's current generation flagship GTX580, for AMD this is a followup to their previous generation 2xGPU on a single PCB design, the Radeon HD 5970. It represents the strongest entry AMD will release within their 6000 series graphics lineup. Initial testing and overclocking results are publishing at first tier review sites now. As eloquently stated by Tweaktown's Anthony Garreffa, the 6990 "punches all other GPU's in the nuts.""

AMD's New Flagship HD 6970 Tested 152

I.M.O.G. writes "Today AMD officially introduces their newest flagship GPU, the Radeon HD 6970, hot on the heels of the Radeon HD 6870 released at the end of October, then the NVIDIA GTX 580 in early November, which is Nvidia's current flagship card. Initial testing and overclocking results are publishing at first tier review sites now. While the HD 6970 is a strong performer and the price point is outstanding for consumers, the GTX 580 retains the flagship crown while the AMD 5970 keeps the single card performance crown with its dual GPUs on a single card."

Slackware 13.1 Released 155

Several readers made sure we are aware that Slackware 13.1 release is out. Here's the list of mirrors. "Slackware 13.1 brings many updates and enhancements, among which you'll find two of the most advanced desktop environments available today: Xfce 4.6.1, a fast and lightweight but visually appealing and easy-to-use desktop environment, and KDE 4.4.3, a recent stable release of the new 4.4.x series of the award-winning KDE desktop environment."

Comment Re:Ya this was a horrible test (Score 1) 849

i agree the test should be "which sounds correct", not "better". They should also test and record with a mic first to prove that what the subjects are hearing is in fact different. If you play two mp3 tracks and people say "none sound like the original", then you know people can detect the loss due to compression. Which is also an argument for buying better equipment to play audio on. In theory, the more expensive the audio equipment, the more accurate the reproduced audio should be, just like FLAC should be able to reproduce the original audio better than mp3 at any bitrate. Which is why it's important to listen to the audio equipment in the store first, to make sure you are spending your money in a way that goes with your listening preference.

Comment don't whip it out (Score 1) 695

Apart from not bringing the laptop to class, how about you don't take it out during class? If people don't see it, they won't know it's there and they won't ask to use it. I'd bet they are already trained on asking you so they'll ask you for a few weeks even if they don't see it, but keep saying "sorry i didn't bring it" and soon they'll learn to rely on other resources.
Operating Systems

Submission + - Streaming March Madness on Linux?

neersign writes: "March Madness is here and NCAA.com is streaming all of the games over the internet for free. The downside is they are using Microsoft technologies to do so. The standard player lists Windows XP/Vista, IE6, and WMP 9 as the base requirements. The High Quality Video Player requires Silverlight 2. So my question is: how would a Linux user be able to work around these requirements and watch the games?"

Comment Re:Precious Snowflakes (Score 2, Interesting) 1316

It's funny that people don't think of this, or don't want to do this. I was sent to Europe for a two week engineering conference and took an extra weekend to explore a little on my own. Out of the 7 americans on the trip, only one other did the same thing.

We had another engineering conference in Colorado and I was amazed that only two other people wanted to go out early and hit the slopes. The company payed the airfare so all I had to do was pay the extra nights stay and lift tickets...total no brainer to me. I'm sure everyone has their reasons one way or the other, but opportunities like these don't pop up everyday so it's hard for me to understand why everyone doesn't make the most out of them.

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