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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:I'll believe it when I see it...  *Wednesday October 07, 2009 @10:37AM 1 2
   attached to Microsoft, EU Reach Antitrust Accord
Try GoDaddy  *Thursday September 25, 2008 @07:02AM 1 2
   attached to Best DNS Service With API Access?
Google Apps as a Personal CDN  *Monday June 30, 2008 @02:03PM 2 5, Interesting
   attached to Google Apps Hacks
Re:.NET Framework?  *Monday January 14, 2008 @09:31PM 1 2
   attached to EU Launches Yet Another Antitrust Probe Into Microsoft  *Monday July 09, 2007 @09:33AM 1 1
   attached to Comcast and Net Speed Tests
Re:Looks good.  *Tuesday February 06, 2007 @04:29PM 3 5, Insightful
   attached to Graph of Linux Vs. Windows System Calls
Re:Democrats  *Friday January 19, 2007 @10:56AM 1 2
Re:Democrats  *Friday January 19, 2007 @08:44AM 3 5, Insightful
Re:Not typical democrat behavior?  *Friday January 19, 2007 @08:36AM 6 1, Troll
   attached to Bill to Treat Bloggers as Lobbyists Defeated
Embedded Version doesn't need as much memory  *Tuesday December 05, 2006 @10:05AM 1 2
   attached to Microsoft Looking to Run Windows on OLPC
Hands Down They Got Beat  *Friday September 29, 2006 @07:04AM  2
   attached to What Went Wrong for AMD's AM2?
What about _THE_ Pod.  *Thursday August 17, 2006 @12:00PM  2
   attached to Apple Warns Companies About 'Pod' Naming
It belongs to tax payers.  *Friday July 07, 2006 @02:28PM  2
   attached to U.S. Navy Patents the Firewall?
Re:More Speculation  *Thursday July 06, 2006 @10:13AM 1 2
   attached to Apple to Unveil New Leopard OS in August
Re:Budget Priortites  *Saturday June 24, 2006 @05:54PM 1 5, Interesting
   attached to The Pentagon's Supersonic, Shape-Shifting Assassin
How does this effect Microsoft?  *Wednesday May 03, 2006 @09:32AM  2
   attached to Apple Defeats RIAA and France In Same Day
Re:Walmart bashing is really just anti-capitalism  *Friday April 28, 2006 @12:18PM 1 3, Insightful
   attached to Wal-mart's Wikipedia War
Re:Standards Compliant  *Monday March 20, 2006 @06:11PM  2
   attached to Microsoft Releases Atlas
Microsoft Project Server  *Tuesday March 07, 2006 @07:22PM 3 5, Informative
   attached to Software for IT Budgeting and Planning?
Who did it in 800AD?  *Friday February 10, 2006 @11:29PM  2
   attached to 20th Century Warmest In 1200 Years
Re:How does Passion of Christ or Mystic River fit.  *Sunday December 18, 2005 @02:37PM  2
How does Passion of Christ or Mystic River fit.  *Saturday December 17, 2005 @12:47PM 2 3, Insightful
   attached to Software Predicts Movie Success
Re:I want my GMAIL  *Friday September 23, 2005 @07:55PM  2
   attached to Yahoo! Mail Superior to Gmail ?
Yearh Right?  *Tuesday September 13, 2005 @08:24PM  2
   attached to Novell Expects Vista to Spur Linux Adoption

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
