Journal Journal: Mozilla Firefox SlashDot Weirdness
Since updating to Mozilla Firefox 0.8 from Firebird 0.7 on both my work and home machines (both running Gentoo, Kernel 2.6, KDE 3.2) I've noticed one slight weirdness with Firefox and Slashdot.
I'm lazy so like to login to SlashDot using the "bookmark this link" method. Despite deleting the saved bookmark and making a new one several times, I can no longer login using this method - at work, or at home.
Damn... I just checked in Konqueror and Opera with the link I'd saved, and it doesn't work either. Maybe SlashDot stopped supporting that login method? Maybe Firefox corrupted the URL I'd got saved? I dunno... anyway, I'm a bit baffled by it at the moment, although it's no great inconvenience.
I'll investigate it more when I can be bothered to - just wondered if anyone else had experienced this?