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Comment Re:Do It, it worked in AZ (Score 2) 886

Furthermore, most of the "civil rights successes of the last sixty years" have to do with race, and race is not an issue of Christianity for any but a very few loonies.

Who do you think were the biggest opponents against civil rights issues for non-whites during the mid 20th century?

The same rhetoric about gay marriage was espoused back then, only it was targeting interracial marriage. Verses from the bible were even used to justify it as a "sin".

Christians, on the whole, have probably come to accept the idea that non-whites should be treated equally under the law, but that wasn't the majority opinion back in the 40's or earlier.

In 50 years it's not inconceivable to imagine that the majority of Christians will accept that gay and bisexual people should be treated the same as straight people.

Comment Re:And which law would you have them nullify? (Score 1) 257

Jury nullification can be used for whatever purpose the juror decides.

During prohibition it was used to fight an unconstitutional law, but it has also been used to protect whites from being charged for killing blacks in the South.

It's inspiring to hear about people using it for a good cause (like fighting against unconstitutional laws), but jurors aren't law school graduates, and they might not be nullifying for the right reasons.

Comment Re:combining micropayments with hefty sticker pric (Score 1) 473

Full Disclosure: I'm a beta premium backer of the game

You can only purchase ships with in game currency. At least, as of right now that's the way the game works.

Most of the early backers, as well as kickstarter supporters, will get a free second ship when the game launches, but it's an Eagle, a bit of a sidegrade to the default Sidewinder. The only other advantages for people who paid early access is the ability to play the game sooner, which means more practice before things launch, and a better insurance rate, which reduces the amount of in game currency to replace your ship after it blows up.

There are micro-transactions for paint jobs for the ships you fly in the game, but it's purely cosmetic.

Comment Re:In other words. (Score 2) 127

The rules that the FCC implemented that prevents someone from saying "fuck you" on the radio, or broadcast television, came about from a single complaint back in the 70's.

Thirty years later, and four million times more complaints were filed about net neutrality, and they're still dragging their feet.

THAT should put some perspective of democracy into this.

Comment Re:His choices... (Score 1) 194

There was a big industry behind copyright when the constitution was being drafted. It wasn't authors, or artists. It was map makers.

Map makers spent a lot of money ensuring that their maps were accurate, and they wanted to ensure that people wouldn't be able to seize their maps and build on them before they made back their initial investments.

Comment Re:God (Score 1) 794

Funny thing about placebos. If you have a severe bacterial infection and you're rendered unconscious, if a doctor administers a placebo antibiotic nothing happens. If the doctor administers a real antibiotic, your fever will go down and you'll wake up.

Comment Re:Well now you've gone and upset my digestion. (Score 1) 458

Then you have the new breeds

(of Republicans)

, you have the rand pauls and ted cruzs, the small government anti establishment types.

The entire Republican party was like that before Reagan became president. Reagan turned them into a bunch of religious lunatics hell bent on overspending to keep the military budget inflated.

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