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Comment Re:More than curious, (Score 1) 188

vSphere 6 web client has full feature parity with the Windows-only client, and sucks 100% less in terms of snappy performance.
Sorry it took so long, but it was a resourcing decision at the time. Spend Engineer's time building new features, or porting the client to Linux.... seems like an easy decision for me in 2005. I am certain lots of homework went into this decision.
As for OP's comment #2... really? You're still upset over a decision made ~10 years ago?
I find it interesting how people are quick to attribute malice to things without understanding the context or rationale behind a given decision.. "They did it because they're evil!" sure sounds simple enough to say.
Life's never that simple, friends.

Disclaimer: I am sitting at my desk in VMware HQ, been with the company since 2009.

Comment Re:Depends on your hardware of course! (Score 1) 488

It is as slick as can be on the 5S. Everything is smooth. Battery lasted all day with constant LTE use. I've been using Google Maps navigating around all day.
There's some software glitchy-ness going on here and there (going back to the 'home' screen 'jitters' at the end of the animation as it resets the image for the parallax effect), but I expect that to be resolved in updates. Some inconsistencies with the keyboards too, but devs will have to update their apps to use the new 'flat' style.

What I would like, however, is to be able to swipe up and instead of pulling up Control Center, I want the multi-tasker. Ideally, let me pick what each directional swipe can do... Maybe I want to double-tap home for Notifications, pull down for Control Center, and swipe up for multi-tasking... 4-finger swipe up on an iPad is okay but I find my fingers 'skipping' on the way up a bunch if my hands are too dry or something, causing the gesture to not be recognized.

Comment Re:Fingerprint novelty (Score 1) 773

I'd be happy if the thing only just used my print to authenticate locally, and then 'paste' in the actual password that I'm wanting to type in.
Ultimately, I want it to avoid having to type my email and password in all the time. If it can handle the password thing for now, that's a good enough start.
If it's only to unlock the phone itself, that's still not bad, but there's much more potential there.
Maybe people will choose more complicated passwords now that it's easier to remember and then input a lengthly and complex password

Comment Re:I bought a 4.... that's enough (Score 1) 773

But there's a number of styli (?) available for any capacitive screen, thus giving you choice. I don't want it, so why should I be forced to pay for one in the price of the device? It's an accessory.

WRT the size of the device, I too wouldn't mind something bigger, but if you think the Note is a 'good sized phone' I think you might need glasses ;)
I switched to an HTC One for mainly that reason, but found that it really didn't add any actual value and can't wait to switch back!

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