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Comment Re:Tile (Score 3, Interesting) 23

BLE tags use a compatible phone to report their location back to a central service, but unless you had an Apple Airtag [or AirTag compatible], your tags would only be picked up by other phones with the Tile app installed. This is of course fine if you're just keeping track of your keys and other household items, but Apple Airtags are really popular to slip into luggage, packages, and other valuables as a cheaper [and far smaller] alternative to SMS/GPS trackers.

These new tags use a component in Google Play Services [installed on every Android phone with the Google Play store], instead of the Tile app, making them, at least on paper, as good or better than Airtags, and far more reliable than Tile tags for remote tracking.

Instead of waiting for a phone with the Tile app installed to come by, now any android phone can pick up and report these tags back.

There's the whole problem of privacy, security, etc involving any BLE tag, but that's a whole different can of worms..

Comment From the GitHub Page: (Score 4, Informative) 60

"Websites can pass the http headers X-Robots-Tag: noai, X-Robots-Tag: noindex , X-Robots-Tag: noimageai and X-Robots-Tag: noimageindex By default img2dataset will ignore images with such headers."

Followed directly by:
"To disable this behavior and download all images, you may pass --disallowed_header_directives '[]'"

I wonder what option most users will end up enabling. :)

Also this tool doesn't seem to check robots.txt [from a quick source search, may be wrong.] Getting the impression they don't entirely care about this.


Children Used To Steal Parents' Data 126

Barence writes "PC Pro's Davey Winder has revealed how pre-school children are being targeted by data thieves. Security vendors have uncovered a bunch of Flash-based games, colorful and attractive to young kids, which came complete with a remote access trojan. The trojan is usually installed behind a button to download more free games, but BitDefender even found one painting application where the very act of swiping the paintbrush over an online pet to change the color of the virtual animal was enough to trigger redirection to an infected site."

Comment Actually (Score 3, Informative) 163

Softlayer and ThePlanet merged a few months ago. And UK2/"Hosting Services"/100TB simply resells Softlayer's services.

100TB has a bandwidth pool deal with Softlayer, then oversells like mad. SimpleCDN used 100TB [I -believe-] to get excellent bandwidth deals.

Seems like 100TB [and perhaps Softlayer] weren't happy with this.

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