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User Journal

Journal Journal: F/LOSS Ad Campaign Launched

last oct. 6th i decided to use my extra bandwidth to promote linux. how? i had an installation of phpadsnew2 (now called openads) at Ads in Egypt and decided to open up the access to the world and the result was the F/LOSS Ad Campaign.

You can read the press release at PR News in Egypt and more details here.

i am happy with the campaign but i want it to reach out to more ppl. so i m writing it in my journal, submitting to slashdot editors and hopefully, the linux advocate with a website will hear me and join in.


User Journal

Journal Journal: karma: positive

ok yesterday i posted this comment and got my karma back up to positive.

this is beside the fact that i keep asking ppl to mod me a troll on almost every post.

but here comes the dilemma...
i also posted 2 comments yesterday as anonymous, with the aim in mind of getting my karma back up to positive.
do i keep doing this? posting as anonymous when i think i might get modded troll or something bad? or do i post all anonymously so i ALWAYS keep my karma good so i can mod?

but do i want to mod? oh why not? mod em ALL down so i can show the slashdot modding is a pretty bad system!

User Journal

Journal Journal: neutral

every time i post i put this ps. in my comment
ps. mod me as troll
or some such thing
today. i was modded "interesting" and so my karma is neutral.
User Journal

Journal Journal: friend or foe?

this is simple is a foe. why?
coz he has a link to stupid me of course, but i said hell, i can use service to filter it. within half an hour, the mail box began receiving spam. and to top it off .. he probably makes a cent on every email that mailbox gets!

nb. is that misuse?

Journal Journal: Rules of commenting

So i was a moderator.
I learned from the docs here at that all users can be moderators, in fact its automatic. (link lost due to bad karma)

So I lurked around waiting for an opportune moment to use my 5 mod points.
Days past, then I made a comment and get modded down. I get bad karma, I get my mod points taken away.

The moral of this story: Don't make religious comments, hell dont make any comments, and you get to mod other ppl's comments down or up. Thats what I call interaction.

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"In the long run, every program becomes rococo, and then rubble." -- Alan Perlis
