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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Flexibility!  *Thursday April 06, 2017 @03:48PM  1
   attached to Amazon Looks to Hire 30,000 Part-Time Employees in US
Re:In other words. . .  *Friday September 09, 2016 @12:43AM 1 3, Informative
   attached to Airbnb Unveils Changes To Address Racial Discrimination
Sure.  *Friday May 20, 2016 @08:54PM  1
   attached to Real-Life RoboCop Guards Shopping Centers In California
Reasonable enough, I guess  *Thursday April 28, 2016 @01:37AM 1 1
   attached to Comcast Is Raising Its Data Caps From 300GB To 1TB
Okay.  *Tuesday March 29, 2016 @12:36AM  1
   attached to Hacker Weev Admits To Hacking Printers To Spew Racist and Anti-Semitic Messages
Blockchain applications?  *Friday December 25, 2015 @05:17PM  1
   attached to Ask Slashdot: We've Had Online Voting; Why Not Continuous Voting?
Supply and Demand  *Sunday November 29, 2015 @02:43PM  2
   attached to Canadian, UK Law Professors Condemn Space Mining Provisions of Commercial Space Act
Linux+Multi-Monitors  *Saturday September 19, 2015 @02:41PM 6 1
   attached to Thanks To Valve, More Than 1,500 Games Are Now On Linux
Router Block  *Monday September 07, 2015 @03:36PM 1 1
   attached to Windows Telemetry Rolls Out
Re:Why are people going to jail for this?  *Tuesday August 11, 2015 @02:12AM  1
   attached to New Video Shows Shot Down Drone Hovered For Only 22 Seconds
Re:Makerspace....  *Wednesday April 29, 2015 @04:09PM  1
   attached to Ask Slashdot: How Should I Build a Maker Space For a Liberal Arts College?
Re:ADA insanity...  *Friday April 03, 2015 @12:59AM 1 2
   attached to 9th Circuit Rules Netflix Isn't Subject To Disability Law
Windows Keys  *Thursday March 26, 2015 @03:30PM  1
   attached to NJ School District Hit With Ransomware-For-Bitcoins Scheme
Okay.  *Friday March 13, 2015 @03:59PM  1
   attached to Twitter Will Ban Revenge Porn and Non-consensual Nudes
Re:HT?  *Wednesday February 25, 2015 @08:43PM  1
HT?  *Wednesday February 25, 2015 @08:12PM 4 1
   attached to Developers Disclose Schematics For 50-1000 MHz Software-Defined Transceiver
Disregard All VC Comments  *Friday December 26, 2014 @04:42PM 2 5, Insightful
   attached to Paul Graham: Let the Other 95% of Great Programmers In
Re:Old Tech  *Monday December 22, 2014 @12:38AM 1 1
   attached to "Infrared Curtain" Brings Touchscreen Technology To Cheap Cars
Re:undocumented immigrant  *Tuesday December 16, 2014 @04:43PM 1 1
   attached to Federal Court Nixes Weeks of Warrantless Video Surveillance
Veto power  *Friday December 12, 2014 @03:00PM  1
   attached to Facebook Offers Solution To End Drunken Posts
Absolutely.  *Thursday December 11, 2014 @09:23PM  4, Insightful
   attached to Are the TSA's New Electronic Device Screenings Necessary?
Re:No  *Friday December 05, 2014 @07:42PM  1
   attached to Should IT Professionals Be Exempt From Overtime Regulations?
Over what time interval?  *Thursday December 04, 2014 @09:20PM 19 5, Insightful
   attached to The Sony Pictures Hack Was Even Worse Than Everyone Thought
Had the same issue.  *Thursday November 13, 2014 @05:35PM  1
   attached to Ask Slashdot: How To Unblock Email From My Comcast-Hosted Server?

If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley
