Journal m2bord's Journal: Upset about the lack of privacy and respect from companies
This morning, I noticed some unusual activity on my pc. So I did a quick check and noticed some data being sent to an IP owned by a company that was contracted by the site I was on to monitor web activity.
Now look, I understand that marketing people steer the development of most sites and gathering detailed information about users and their actions is a method of directing advertising efforts, as well as providing an additional revenue stream.
However, these folks are simply adding to my block list. That's right, in addition to a hosts file, I maintain a block list on OpenDNS.org that blocks advertising and other third parties from access my pc's and my networks.
If you want to know which ones I block, I use this well known Hosts file as a reference with some significant modifications, http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm
No, I'm not going to tell you what modifications that I make but trust me, I block most third parties and I will continue to do so untill I feel it is safe for me to lower my guard.
Now, if you want my business, you will respect my privacy. When I check out, you will not keep my contact information for more than 30 days after the transaction unless your return policy is longer than that. You will not try to install web beacons, tracking cookies, or user any other technology to follow me. Just because I visit your web site or make a purchase from you, I don't think that it give you my permission to do whatever you want despite when you may have written in 6pt font in your privacy policy.
Speaking of which, has anyone noticed how all web sites talk about how important "your privacy" is to them yet they go out of their way most of the time to hide the fact that they will share your contact information with as many people as possible?
Take for instance the simple act of ordering a pizza. How many people daily pick up their phone, home or cell, and call the pizza delivery place and order a pizza? Before you pick a pie, think about what they ask you for first, to confirm your phone number, right? Now ask yourselves how many of those people know what those pizza companies do with that extensive calling list.
Yes..they resell it. Check out this privacy quiz from DarkReading.com http://www.darkreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=154134
No..there are no black helicopters swirling overhead in my world. Just out of control advertisers and marketers who have zero respect for anyone and no decency. I'm amazed that any of these marketing people can go about their day to day lives proudly boasting about what they do for a living. On the contrary, I would think they would want to hide this information from as many people as possible.
Which is why I don't feel bad about violating their privacy.
Now look, I understand that marketing people steer the development of most sites and gathering detailed information about users and their actions is a method of directing advertising efforts, as well as providing an additional revenue stream.
However, these folks are simply adding to my block list. That's right, in addition to a hosts file, I maintain a block list on OpenDNS.org that blocks advertising and other third parties from access my pc's and my networks.
If you want to know which ones I block, I use this well known Hosts file as a reference with some significant modifications, http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm
No, I'm not going to tell you what modifications that I make but trust me, I block most third parties and I will continue to do so untill I feel it is safe for me to lower my guard.
Now, if you want my business, you will respect my privacy. When I check out, you will not keep my contact information for more than 30 days after the transaction unless your return policy is longer than that. You will not try to install web beacons, tracking cookies, or user any other technology to follow me. Just because I visit your web site or make a purchase from you, I don't think that it give you my permission to do whatever you want despite when you may have written in 6pt font in your privacy policy.
Speaking of which, has anyone noticed how all web sites talk about how important "your privacy" is to them yet they go out of their way most of the time to hide the fact that they will share your contact information with as many people as possible?
Take for instance the simple act of ordering a pizza. How many people daily pick up their phone, home or cell, and call the pizza delivery place and order a pizza? Before you pick a pie, think about what they ask you for first, to confirm your phone number, right? Now ask yourselves how many of those people know what those pizza companies do with that extensive calling list.
Yes..they resell it. Check out this privacy quiz from DarkReading.com http://www.darkreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=154134
No..there are no black helicopters swirling overhead in my world. Just out of control advertisers and marketers who have zero respect for anyone and no decency. I'm amazed that any of these marketing people can go about their day to day lives proudly boasting about what they do for a living. On the contrary, I would think they would want to hide this information from as many people as possible.
Which is why I don't feel bad about violating their privacy.
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Upset about the lack of privacy and respect from companies
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