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Comment Re:Deflation, numbnuts (Score 5, Insightful) 239

I agree that bitcoin is built to be scarce, and therefore valuable, but that sort of thing is the opposite of what you want in a currency. If the currency constantly increases in value, then the best option is to obtain as much as possible and stuff it under the mattress. Only an inflationary currency encourages investment, because you actually lose money by hoarding it rather than investing it. If everyone hoards the stuff instead of spending it, it becomes useless as a medium of exchange.

Comment Re:Good news everyone! (Score 4, Interesting) 390

"Fucking awful" is a bit strong, but they definitely weren't up to par. I'm not surprised it was cancelled, and at this point I'd be much happier if they put the series to bed instead of continually trying to bring it back, as it will inevitably get worse every time they do.

Comment Re:IT jobs at 60. (Score 5, Informative) 306

Just so you know, asking an older person for their retirement plans in an interview or at any point during the hiring process can open you up to a very costly age discrimination lawsuit. Not hiring people over 40 because you think they'll ask for too much money will do the same. If you're simply reporting that people that age tend to ask for too much money that's one thing, but if you're proactively screening out older applicants because you think they might ask for too much money, that's against the law.

Comment Re:Smart Guy (Score 1) 379

I would approach it from a standpoint of professional curiosity on your part rather than the "what if you got hit by a bus tomorrow" thing or the "you don't really want to do this forever" thing. No matter how sincere you are, people often recognize those as code words for "what if we want to get rid of you" and will be reluctant to cooperate.

Comment Re:How does the rest of the jury feel? (Score 5, Insightful) 282

I've been on a jury, and you'd be amazed at how easy it is for the entire jury to fall in line behind someone who seems to know what he's talking about, especially if the trial involves something few people have experience in (such as patent law). If the rest of the jury trusted him as the resident expert on the issue at hand, they would likely go along with whatever he said.

Comment Re:More exciting? (Score 1) 97

Agreed. Driving out west involves vast distances on straight roads. Sometimes the scenery is cool, sometimes it's flat and boring. I'd love to be able to drive through and admire the scenery when it's nice instead of having to pay attention to the boring stretch of asphalt I'm on, and be able to nap when the view sucks. If I wanted an adrenaline rush with my driving, I'd go to the race track.

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The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
