Comment ZFS (Score 1) 264
Isn't this why ZFS exists?
Isn't this why ZFS exists?
Came here looking for this. Was not disappointed.
Oh, I graduated. Actually, the resume looks pretty awesome...until you start asking questions. That's when you start noticing that sickly-sweet smell of something "off" just beneath the surface, out of sight.
These work does one go about getting them? Would they be managers? Sympathetic co-workers?
I'm at the point in my career (five years in technology at a large investment bank) where I kind of need to be getting another degree to move on and up. The problem is that I messed up my undergrad degree from a very good university to such a degree that I can't see any responsible university worth its salt letting me into its online masters program.
Is there any way to "rehab" your educational credentials so that you can get into a masters program?
Nice random hit on H1B's there. Blame ignorance and lack of initiative on the foreigners -- that always works out!
I didn't mind it too much...I managed to find a wife, start a family, have a hobby shop and write a book while I was in the system.
The key is to not become addicted to the fat paycheck. It's hard for some people to do, which is why they stay in and subject themselves to the stress for years on end. I saw far too many people with empty million dollar Manhattan apartments to fall into that trap, so when the wife got a teaching job in another part of the country in my sixth year, I packed up and left. We bought a house, have enough left over for our kids' college educations, and keep family-friendly hours now.
There are tradeoffs for everything, but if I had a chance to do it all over again, I can't imagine what I'd do differently.
In at 6:30, out by 7, with monitoring of risk jobs overnight if need be.
Top grade banks. Look to get hired as a quant, not a techie. Starting salary in the US was $160K flat, plus bonus when my college friends were doing it a few years back. Things have cooled off a bit since then, but it's still possible -- especially with a finished masters or half-finished doctorate.
It's absolutely not worth it to get through to the end.
Salary from their job posting:
£25,446 (GC10) £31,152 (GC9)
Why on earth would a top notch graduate apply for this position when s/he could make 4x that in the private sector? As the professor in the third video said: that's rather a disappointing end.
Whoa -- this is a migration path I've come across yet. Why are you guys doing this, if you don't mind me asking?
I've read the handbook, thanks. While it's good for your desktop, it just doesn't work for a cluster. See my response to laffer1 above. Packages aren't enough, especially when you need to customize what you're installing.
If I'm doing it wrong, I'd be interested in changing my ways -- what should I be doing differently?
This. I should have been clearer right off the bat. When I say "package management" I really meant software management. And since I like to keep things updated, that means ports on FreeBSD. Which, for a non-trivial deployment means cron-ing compile scripts, a staging area for
I'm not dissing FreeBSD here -- it is a great operating system. I'm just saying things could be easier.
I'll check it out -- thanks for the reference.
I don't manage a lot of servers (10 in my little farm, maybe a 100 jails on those 10), but configuration management and software upgrades have become a bit of a chore. I've taken to simply committing
Yeah, I looked into it a couple of months ago. It looks like a good start, but there are a few problems, at least from my point of view:
1) They appear to have knocked out the FreeBSD userland and replaced it with a GNU one. Nothing wrong with that, of course; the problem is that my "stack" (random scripts, and actual project code) assumes a FreeBSD userland. This is probably my fault... I should look into making my code more portable.
2) It's pretty sparsely developed. I don't expect corporation-backed support a la Redhat, but active forums and plenty of FAQs would be nice for any distribution I decide to use.
3) Finally (and this is strictly personal preference) architecturally, I like where the FreeBSD userland is/is headed. Clang/LLVM, ZFS, jails... all good things. I'm not if/when these things (or their equivalents) will ever make it into Linux.
I moved over to FreeBSD after ext3 ate my data a few too many times. It's a good operating system, but package management is a pain. If only if someone could port APT over to FreeBSD... sigh.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.