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Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 93

The tech's still good, sensors are just hitting in the past like year or two the equivalent of 400 iso with 20 megapixel. Also IR film's cool you have to do cursed things with a commercial digital camera to do that for legal reasons, because that used to be the digital photography see through cloths trick.

Issue is without it being the go to everyone does it for things like disposable cameras standard it's just way too complicated and expensive.

Comment used to do that in school as a hobby (Score 1) 93

the development process doesn't make them "blurry" in the traditional sense normally. It makes them grainy if your film gets hot from hot chemicals. if you don't like the grain long and cold.

However I'd blame the blur on the digitization process, I don't think anyone ever set up a good way to do that at high precision. Used to be some cheap 35mm scanners, but those where more for memory photos you don't care as much about being a bit fucked up.

Comment probably less server side at least (Score 1) 296

With cloud, you get a price tag for code that runs poorly, people like to see that number go down (even if the dev time's probably not worth it) This is different from when you had a whole xeon sitting idle most of the day as a flat cost.

browser tabs where getting bloated for a bit because people didn't care about that but even that's coming down. There's just much more analytic tooling available and incentive for detecting/fixing where things are actually running badly.

Comment Re:Destroying value in primary/advanced degrees (Score 1) 82

probably a weird deal. Trade unions have tenure, if you can graduate college with a year or two tenure in that trades union it may have benefits. Typically when you see things about international student support that's the school doing that, more international students bumps the colleges rankings, and the admins paychecks.

Comment Re:Dumb people everywhere (Score 1) 263

you could in theory use it as a parralel currency to get around bank account freezing.
How many of them where sitting on a stash of crypto to do this I don't know, probably none, but if you have enough to diversify your assets, it may be a good idea to keep a government's gone stupid emergency fund.

Comment Re:I don't know ... (Score 1) 263

canadas not even the first example of it. There was a guy named najid who got his assets frozen in malasian for years. Then as if that weren't enough the government came after him for taxes he couldn't pay, because his assets where frozen. They even tried to accuse him of paying his lawyers when he legally fought it.

Comment Re: Shafted Developers (Score 1) 125

The whole thing was ide generated code. Something you'd never want to write by hand, but instead drag and drop the components in the ui builder, sort of like scratch.

It doesn't really help to say it could have been written well now, the guy who wrote it's been gone for over a decade and everyone's just left with trash to clean up.

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