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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Illogical  *Wednesday July 02, 2014 @02:24AM  3
Re:Good riddance for daylight savings time  *Wednesday July 02, 2014 @02:23AM 1 3
   attached to Russia Moves From Summer Time To Standard Time
Re:Microsoft Outlook is like capitalism  *Tuesday November 26, 2013 @03:51AM  3
   attached to Only 25% of Yahoo Staff "Eat Their Own Dog Food"
Re:Please Mr Google...  *Friday September 27, 2013 @02:00AM  2
   attached to UK MPs: Google Blocks Child Abuse Images, It Should Block Piracy Too
Re:What?  *Friday August 30, 2013 @04:58AM 5 5, Insightful
   attached to NASA Scientists Jubilant After Successful Helicopter Crash
Re:ComplainersThe world is passing you by...  *Sunday January 06, 2013 @07:08AM  2
   attached to Valve Reveals First Month of Steam Linux Gains
Re:Don't Forget: "Six Strikes" Starts This Weekend  *Saturday June 30, 2012 @10:57AM 1 4, Informative
   attached to Don't Forget: "Six Strikes" Starts This Weekend
Re:Finally, a computer so small...  *Monday February 20, 2012 @07:30AM  2
   attached to Physicists Create a Working Transistor From a Single Atom
Re:ACTA Represents the End...  *Sunday January 29, 2012 @08:13PM 4 2
   attached to Thousands Take To the Streets To Protest ACTA
Re:Bllody Cool  *Saturday January 28, 2012 @08:16PM  2
   attached to Friday's Solar Flare Twice As Energetic As Monday's; Earth Safe
Re:Home porn videos?  *Saturday January 28, 2012 @04:38PM 2 2
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Money-Making Home-Based Tech Skills?
Re:You're not allowed to hate in America  *Friday January 20, 2012 @05:54PM  2
   attached to Police Investigate Offensive Wi-Fi Network Name
Re:This should be illegal  *Sunday December 11, 2011 @06:41AM  2
   attached to Two SOPA Writers Become Entertainment Lobbyists
Re:Stability  *Friday November 18, 2011 @03:58PM 1 4, Insightful
   attached to B&N Pummels Microsoft Patent Claims With Prior Art
Re:Like IMing in the same house  *Sunday September 25, 2011 @08:52AM  2
Re:If only all wifi devices could work cooperative  *Sunday September 25, 2011 @08:50AM  2
   attached to Wi-Fi Cards Can Now Detect Microwave Ovens
Re:Price Matters  *Saturday August 20, 2011 @02:23PM 1 2
   attached to HP TouchPad To Be Liquidated At Fire Sale Prices
Re:ZSNES is perfect  *Wednesday August 10, 2011 @07:46AM  2
   attached to A Quest For the Perfect SNES Emulator
Re:I Am Not Surprised  *Saturday July 16, 2011 @12:29PM  1
   attached to Mass Psychosis In the USA?
Re:KEEP IT!  *Thursday May 19, 2011 @02:23AM 1 2
   attached to Ask Slashdot: DOSBox, or DOS Box?
Re:Atom vs. ARM  *Thursday April 21, 2011 @01:13AM 1 1
   attached to Intel Confirms That Android 3.0 Is Coming To x86 Tablets
Re:Amusingly?  *Friday February 18, 2011 @05:36AM  1
   attached to Americans Trust Docs, But Not Computerized Records
Re:Horrible.  *Wednesday January 26, 2011 @07:10AM  2
   attached to Slashdot Launches Re-Design
Re:Thats no cloud  *Thursday January 06, 2011 @05:59AM 1 1
   attached to Google Wins Injunction Against Agency Using Microsoft Cloud

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
