I agree fully and add my suggestion of e-government and e-parliament:
I propose additionally the preparation of e-parliaments, e-senate and e-congress!
Every elected representative should stay in his election district and be only represented by a
robot head and speaker in the parliament.
To this avatar-like representation the representative should have highbandwidth connection,
so that his image and head movements as well as voice can be transmitted, and a back-channels
showing the representative in his home-office the situation in the assemly room.
This way the taxpayer saves a lot by avoiding the cost of accomodation and transport for their representatives,
while maintaining a dirtect contact between voters and representative locally iwithin the election district.
It has also the added benefit that lobbyists have more problems in contacting the legislative members and
also contacts will be more visible as the voters will see who is contacting their elected representative -
which can not when their representative is in Wahsington DC or their respective seat of government.
one possible product: http://www.itnews.com.au/News/278794,bell-labs-builds-telepresence-robots.aspx