Comment I know where they are coming from. (Score -1, Flamebait) 144
It's Galactus. And not the crappy one from the movie.
It's Galactus. And not the crappy one from the movie.
For this one site. Not the most honest headline. I don't think w3schools is a representative sample of all of the sites on the Internet.
Not only no, but hell no.
How can you be "off the grid" if you are using credit cards?
You could mandate on-site support only, but you will get charged out the yang for it.
There is no way in hell that the government will remove any gas taxes, they will just add the per mile tax.
So the money that the companies pay to RedHat and/or Novell isn't enough? Voting with their dollars is a pretty powerful vote.
The last election for the member of the House of Representative (Lower House) was fought in a sigle issue -whether we privatise the Post, overwhelming majority voted for the privatisation including me. Japanese people were fanatic without thinking about the consequencies seriously. Then gigantic ruling party appeared. Now former premier was gone. At the beginning of new prime minister, many laws were through the Diet. Corporation tax is cut, income tax is up. Consumption tax will be raised dr
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith