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Comment I have (Score 1) 187

a 2019 Chevy Trax. The Driver Information Center is in the dashboard. But here's the other thing, when the car is first started the needles on the tach and speedo peg all the way and then come to rest on the actual number. This tells me the whole thing is electrical. Car also has other things that tell me it's just a fraction of an inch from complete drive by wire.

Comment Re:Modern x-ray machines are FAR weaker than old o (Score 2) 104

Funny you mention CAT or CT. A whole body CT takes about 20 minutes. A group of forward thinkers said how about if we mount a bunch of x-ray heads instead of just beaming the one. It brought the time down to 20 seconds and the overall radiation exposure down significantly. How long before we see this everywhere - give it 20-30 years. I recall my endodontist, I asked why we couldn't just regenerate teeth - she told me they were doing that in the labs 20 years ago.

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