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Comment Re:Is it a real problem? (Score 4, Insightful) 492

In terms of personal computers this isn't going to mean much probably by the time it happens. The problem is that there are many, many embedded devices out in the field that are still running with 32-bit time_t vars. Example from a previous job of mine: we made building automation controllers. Those are all devices that are still out in the field and they are all still running old code. Assuming the devices don't die before the time rollover or are not replaced with newer pieces of hardware then it might become a problem.

Submission + - Ozzy Osbourne: Genetically Decoded (

Dashiva Dan writes: DNA research lab Knome has announced that it is going to sequence Ozzy's entire genome.
Ozzy, the former lead singer of Black Sabbath, Reality Television Star, Prankster and spokseman for World of Warcraft among many other things, has been selected so they can discover, among other things, how drugs are absorbed in the body. The amount of abuse Ozzy has put himself through and survived is a large part of why he was chosen.

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