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Journal Journal: It is 2025 and Slashdot doesn't support IPv6?

I've been migrating all my stuff to IPv6 because I'm retarded and felt like (another) winter project.

So I have a Debian VM that is IPv6-only for testing things out, general browsing, etc. and see that Slashdot doesn't support IPv6? One would think a tech site would have been onboard with this years ago.

Comment Can't stop the older stuff from getting out. (Score 5, Informative) 91

People were freaking out about FPGAs, microcontrollers, etc. that were in some of these drones. Fact is most (all?) of it was older & EOL things that you can find on Ali Express and other sites for peanuts.

There's no way to stop the recyclers from selling the parts off.

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