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Comment Re:People still buy tube TVs? (Score 1) 153

Such utter bullshit, can't believe this would get modded interesting. The officials should just hush it up and let price-fixing go on? That's where the money is you know, getting paid to shut up (which is why the US financial sector is still very much alive and kicking). What the fuck has /. become that this gets modded interesting? Some sort of collection point for conspiracy nuts with IPads so they think they belong in here.

Submission + - Milky Way is Surrounded by Halo of Hot Gas (nasa.gov)

kelk1 writes: If the size and mass of this gas halo is confirmed, it also could be an explanation for what is known as the "missing baryon" problem for the galaxy [...] a census of the baryons present in stars and gas in our galaxy and nearby galaxies shows at least half the baryons are unaccounted for [...] Although there are uncertainties, the work by Gupta and colleagues provides the best evidence yet that the galaxy's missing baryons have been hiding in a halo of million-kelvin gas that envelopes the galaxy.

Submission + - Romney-Ryan Space Policy Fails to Impress

RocketAcademy writes: "The Romney-Ryan campaign has released a white paper on space policy, which observers find to be long on criticisms of the Obama Administration but short on specific recommendations.

The policy promises "a robust role for commercial space," but it's clearly a supporting role: "NASA will set the goals and lead the way in human space exploration."

When it comes to space, both parties put government ahead of private enterprise. Some see a parallel with the policies which are driving space companies out of California.

Newt Gingrich, one of the few politicians who thinks seriously about space, says the policy is a step in the right direction but not enough."

Comment Re:Cowardice by Microsoft (Score 1) 183

Nice jab at being specious, but all I know is the article. Nokia has been succesfully suing over their patents before MS deal and will continue to do so; they do have patents which actually are standards essential as in they were a big part of making the standards themselves possible.

Try looking in the mirror and seeing how you parrot someone elses per rectum theories; the amount of pure stupidity and mallaced bias in /. these days begets aggression, this submission will most likely be the last one I respond to.

Comment Re:Cowardice by Microsoft (Score 1) 183

Well, you obviously did not RTFA (because it's about Nokia, not MS) and were just prepared to go on the 'oh, the M$' rant about how they're using Nokia to do their dirty work... Nokia and MS have a deal, they're not going to sue MS & WP, try processing that.

I think Nokia would/should require Google to license their tech even without MS deal; there's no reason for Nokia to subsidise Google even if they aren't out to make real money on the HW itself. They've told Google to get in touch, but since it's an American company expect a minimum 2 years of litigation for tax reasons or just because the US courts are what they are.

Comment Re:Good ol' Microsoft (Score 1, Interesting) 183

Nokia was under completely different management 2 years ago, which essentially makes every point on behavior prior to the microsoft deals entirely unrelated points.

How exactly is this shit insightful? Afaik they went after Apple for freeloading and now they're going after Google... or maybe I just answered myself. Microsoft and Nokia have a deal on patents so Windows Phones aren't being targeted, go cry me a river.

Comment Re:Hot off the press (Score 2) 130

A study published today linked the acceptance of funding from coffee cartels to the finding of health benefits of coffee consumption.

(More) News at ten.

This! You rarely get similar exciting news about tea either killing you or giving you eternal life, makes me think I've chosen some kind of third world beverage... even alcohol gets the occasional "it's okay if you don't overdo it" so it has to have some first world banking behind it.

Comment Re:Wait... (Score 1) 157

What is Batman without a little bit of camp? It's Christian Bale, one of the most boring actors ever. Personally I liked Batman, Batman Returns and even Batman Forever; I was a teen back then, but still they had solid actors and for films of their time they looked good.

After that it's been at best ok... I'm not sure why Bale is incapable of actual facial expressions, but from the looks of it it's contagious.

Comment Re:The end point should be run by the military (Score 1) 349

As far as I'm aware national copyright laws don't apply when you're at sea, and a warship under sail is hardly a "public place"! OK, the political/media fallout could get awkward, but that's why none of my forces mates ever pass ripped films around when they're on active service. I'm with the anti-piracy brigade, but as far as I'm concerned the military covenant outweighs that one.

Yes, we know they'll most likely never be called out on it, publicly at least that is... but getting away with it doesn't mean that it isn't a crime though. If you're able to easily "share" your media you're most likely in violation of DMCA (amazingly a lot of countries have in short timespan created similar laws too), going against the FBI/RIAA/MPAA warnings and all sorts of things you shouldn't be doing.

Plus you're in the navy and taking part in piracy, arrr-r-r-r! The moderators are scallywags!

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