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Comment Re:Pfff (Score 1) 61

Disney is just an example though, CBS has their own streaming service, NBC is launching theirs in 2020. ABC is owned by Disney so I imagine their stuff will get rolled into Plus eventually. HBO, probably other premium channels have their own.

And as the GP said, they all are starting to realize that their back catalogs are probably worth more than just spamming them all day on MeTV and such so they don't want to license anything to NF while they figure out what to do with it all.

Mind you, I'm in the US so my perspective may be different than yours...

Comment Re:Good Lord, just run Slackware. (Score 1) 751

That's what I've done. That or OpenBSD. But I used Debian for decades and I'm glad there is a distro out there catering to the crowd that just wants apt without systemd. Devuan wasn't ready when I decided it was time for me to ditch Debian but I may revisit it next time I have to set up something new.

Comment Re:Freedom of speech? Devil's advocate (Score 2) 677

I believe the rationale is that the article in question went beyond protected speech when it targeted Heather Heyer specifically. Espousing one's beliefs is one thing, no matter how repugnant they might be. However what they wrote is probably considered defamation and therefore illegal.

Basing my opinion on what I've read about what prompted the take down, I have not read the article in question.


Comment Re:Time for the FreeBSD migration to begin. (Score 1) 76

Ha, interesting, troll and funny. I'd have modded you insightful. I'll probably have to stay off /. for a few days to avoid the responses I'm going to get but what the heck.

I've started using slackware at home for hobby stuff, slackware at work where simple is enough and OpenBSD where I need security. I have a few Debian 7 boxes around still but they are all due to be phased out and replaced by OpenBSD. I love slackware and will continue to use it as long as I can, it always was closer to BSD than a lot of other distros so that helps. But for anything serious I'm *BSD all the way. And you know what? I wish I'd done it years ago, I find that I really do prefer Unix over Linux.

So long Debian, I grew up on you while my son grew up on Toy Story but it's time for both of us to move on.

Comment Re:Why do they remind you of that? (Score 1) 405

It's in TFS...

Social media is unfortunately one of the tools that terrorist groups use to radicalise young people and racist use to spread violence and hatred. This agreement is an important step forward to ensure that the internet remains a place of free and democratic expression, where European values and laws are respected."

You can extrapolate whatever you want from the article and argue that's where this is all heading, we probably agree on a number of points. But you quoted the EU rep out of context to support your point. You don't have to do that, you have a point to make and can do so without willfully ignoring the content of the article.

Comment Re:Why do they remind you of that? (Score 1) 405

AC already beat me too it but to add - it's right there in the summary:

Social media is unfortunately one of the tools that terrorist groups use to radicalise young people and racist use to spread violence and hatred. This agreement is an important step forward to ensure that the internet remains a place of free and democratic expression, where European values and laws are respected."

Nowhere in her quote is their a suggestion that they are doing this out of some need to assuage western guilt as your comment implies.

IMO this isn't really as newsworthy as people are making it out to be. While I don't agree with them European countries have had hate speech laws on their books since the end of WW II. If some American companies want to pander to these laws in order to grow their market or avoid some other regulatory oversight by being a "team player" than it's their prerogative.

I believe it will only make them look bad in the long run as they won't have the resources to follow through and they will invariably make mistakes that will upset people. But again, I don't own those companies (and try to avoid using their products) so it's up to them, they certainly don't care what I think!

Comment Re:Ok, why? (Score 2) 311

My understanding is that they didn't even get a DMCA notice from Fox. Content ID is to blame IIUC. I haven't been able to find anything definite but this quote seems to suggest that and I've seen other comments about this story that seem to back that up...

"It's most likely that this is just another example of YouTubeâ(TM)s Content ID system automatically taking down a video without regard to actual copyright ownership and fair use. As soon as FOX broadcast that Family Guy episode, their robots started taking down any footage that appeared to be reposted from the show â" and in this case they took down the footage they stole from an independent creator," Lyon says.

Lyon referring to Jeff Lyon, the CTO of Fight for the Future.

Is anyone really sure that Fox issued a notice and that this isn't just another example of Content ID failing miserably?

Comment Re:This (Score 1) 255

Well, again Perl, I read as much of Larry Wall''s writing as I could over the years. The three virtues of programming he espouses are hubris, laziness and impatience.

I think this one falls under the laziness category. Don't spend time solving problems others have already solved. Modern Perl and CPAN really emphasize too. And of course it translates well to other languages and even everyday things that may not even be related to programming.

On the other hand I believe this oversimplifies things a bit. If a library is getting long in the tooth or has some functionality that is still relevant but a lot of legacy baggage that is obsolete then a rewrite is not necessarily a bad thing. Case in point - OpenSSL -> (LibreSSL | Boring SSL)

Comment This (Score 5, Interesting) 255

The author advises these beginners to try rewriting a library which already exists (despite this being considered as a prohibited practice by many).

This is how I learned a lot about Perl, C, C++ and to a much lesser extent JavaScript. I wrote (crappy) web frameworks in Perl, front ends for MySQL in C and even tried reinventing concepts from the STL in C++. Not one of my pet projects ended up in production systems for very long, if ever. I simply did them to scratch an itch and help myself understand the underlying principles. My understanding of Perl and PHP frameworks improved immensely and I learned it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought to get under the hood and learn when something wasn't behaving the way I expected it too. Implementing STL dupes help me actually be able to parse Bjarne Stroustrup's books on C++ and in general gave me a much deeper understanding of programming in various languages. Was I able to make better tools than a team of experts working on something together for years? Hell no! Just improved my ability to understand and use their work.

It's like learning assembly to understand how computers work, you're probably not going to do much of it in the real world but it will help you more than you think when you develop that level of understanding.

Comment Re:Par for the course (Score 1) 407

Also a slack user. Started with it in the late 90's, switched to Red Hat for a while because that's what the company I worked for at the time used. When Red Hat went commercial I tried a few others before settling on Debian. Still used Red Hat at work so it was nice to get used to More Than One Way of Doing It.

When systemd came along I switched back to Slackware and have been giving OpenBSD a try on smaller hobby projects.

I recently installed slackware for a friend as a personal firewall and this helped a lot... Still not just an option on install but it was easy to follow and left with me with a lean, mean machine.

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