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Comment undelete (Score 1) 765

Happily for the dev, software like that only deletes the files in the partition information, meaning it is possible to recover the data in most cases using some undelete programs. (stuff like ) I recommend you use the computer the least possible before recovering the files, as windows might overwrite them if used.

Comment separate platform (Score 1) 2

I had just the same issue a few months ago... I ended up starting coding a platform running on a linux "appliance". The files I upload in this appliance are crypted, splitted and stored on an array of cloud drives... the map to reconstruct the files being stored in a db or in a script. This method also allows deduplication of data... working a bit like raid. In this way, not only do cloud services not access to the metadata, but if one host gets "problems" (ie megaupload), then I still have some copies of all parts somewhere else.

Submission + - Android 5.0 Makes SD Cards Great Again (

An anonymous reader writes: Over the past couple of years, Google has implemented some changes to how Android handles SD cards that aren't very beneficial to users or developers. After listening to many rounds of complaints, this seems to have changed in Android 5.0 Lollipop. Google's Jeff Sharkey wrote, "[I]n Lollipop we added the new ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE intent. Apps can launch this intent to pick and return a directory from any supported DocumentProvider, including any of the shared storage supported by the device. Apps can then create, update, and delete files and directories anywhere under the picked tree without any additional user interaction. Just like the other document intents, apps can persist this access across reboots." Android Police adds, "All put together, this should be enough to alleviate most of the stress related to SD cards after the release of KitKat. Power users will no longer have to deal with crippled file managers, media apps will have convenient access to everything they should regardless of storage location, and developers won't have to rely on messy hacks to work around the restrictions."

Submission + - Chinese State Media Declares iPhone A Threat To National Security (

MojoKid writes: When NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden came forth last year with US government spying secrets, it didn't take long to realize that some of the information revealed could bring on serious repercussions — not just for the US government, but also for US-based companies. The latest to feel the hit? None other than Apple, and in a region the company has been working hard to increase market share: China. China, via state media, has today declared that Apple's iPhone is a threat to national security — all because of its thorough tracking capabilities. It has the ability to keep track of user locations, and to the country, this could potentially reveal "state secrets" somehow. It's being noted that the iPhone will continue to track the user to some extent even if the overall feature is disabled. China's iPhone ousting comes hot on the heels of Russia's industry and trade deeming AMD and Intel processors to be untrustworthy. The nation will instead be building its own ARM-based "Baikal" processor.

Comment Expect a new internet by 2020! (Score 1) 305

With net neutrality, piracy and privacy issues... we should indeed expect a "new" internet by 2020.

IPv6 will be the rule of law of course, for one base reason:
IPV4 can not support the growth in emerging markets

and two (interconnected) reasons
- it allows more consumers to connect with more devices
- it allows better tracking - which is a crucial pillar of today's internet sponsorship

Finally, it is the only "partially working" solution today, commercial routers support it, and there is no other protocol that meet today's need and is implemented in most vendors next gen solutions: it has already been tested and accepted by the network's core infrastructure suppliers.

Of course, some custom industrial solutions might need more time to be replaced, but "on the shelf" solutions will be IPV6 before 2020!

SO YES... IPv6 will be mostly integrated (for consumers) before 2020...
In corporations, IPV4 will remain a compatibility issue for a long time, in a similar way that system admins still have to deal with coax cables and VAX or SPARC systems today.

Comment I do not agree at all (Score 1) 1

While all these threads apply to today's public standards, it is still very possible for a motivated person to send strongly coded messages on internet, there are three simple rules to respect:
- Use a secured host which is not connected to any network (try openbsd for example)
- Use many encryption layers, and one passworded key (like I did in )
- Send the pass and archives by secure ways... (ex: the pass on paper, and the key split in 128 different messages)

Encryption is not dead... it is the future, but it is one step behind decryption at this very moment.

Submission + - OpenSSH no longer has to depend on OpenSSL (

ConstantineM writes: What has been planned for a long time now, prior to the infamous heartbleed fiasco of OpenSSL (which does not affect SSH at all), is now officially a reality — with the help of some recently adopted crypto from DJ Bernstein, OpenSSH now finally has a compile-time option to no longer depend on OpenSSL — `make OPENSSL=no` has now been introduced for a reduced configuration OpenSSH to be built without OpenSSL, which would leave you with no legacy SSH-1 baggage at all, and on the SSH-2 front with only AES-CTR and chacha20+poly1305 ciphers, ECDH/curve25519 key exchange and Ed25519 public keys.

Comment More spendings (Score 1) 217

Net neutrality can be approached with two purposes:
- Be neutral about what is allowed on internet (Block specific content)
- Be neutral about who is allowed on internet (Block specific sites)
Content distributors are interested in blocking specific content (MCAA, RIAA, ...), infrastructure providers are interested in blocking specific sites (netflix, ...): it is a battle for money.

Human nature dictates us to be creative to reach our objectives.
These laws will thus only accelerate the birth and growth of new networks, which their creators might surprisingly base on the shortcomings of what they miss in the existing one.
As users will be motivated to search for alternatives, demand will be raising, and while TOR is only a "first generation" secure network and its use remains marginal, these laws will help these kind of networks to go mainstream.
They will then try to block these networks, triggering further evolution, back to the chicken and the egg.

On the meantime, illegal organisations will benefit from those new mainstream technologies, and our dear agencies might need to gear up a bit ^^
Now for the funding: Taxes.

And this is how you lost the war for money, even if you did not buy their content or bypass their architecture \o/

Comment Solution (Score 1) 1

I asked myself the same question a few months ago, and came up with a homemade solution. The solution I adopted to make up for the lack of trust of vendors and algorithms, has been to layer many implementations of many algorithms to encrypt my files... this result is much more intensive encryption procedures, but the data feels safer - as long as we believe at least one vendor or one algoritm were not compromised. I scripted the method in bash:

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