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Journal Journal: Looking for sci-fi story read LONG time ago.

Does anyone recognize this story?

Starts in space as a military (dictator) ship gets energy from a sun/nova? When they return to the moon base (a prison) years later. It is deserted. Everyone seems to have left in a planned, slow manner, as thought it just was no longer needed.

When they get to Earth, the cities are also deserted. Everyone seems to live a rural life. A prisoner had invented cheap energy from just a few coils of wire. It transformed the way of life. Son of the inventor? is given more time to adjust. His father created the library system.

It may have been a short story, from the 60's or 70's

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Who said this first?

If you design a system that an idiot can use,
only an idiot would *want* to use it.

There are many variations of this.
The "famous quote" web pages don't know this one.
I did a web search and got a bunch of sigs.

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