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Comment Changing the Start/End day was the mistake. (Score 1) 252

It is up to each state. Leave it that way. The feds interfere in too much, that is none of their business. Not everywhere is the same. Schools are picking up children in the dark for school. The original DST prevented this. Science is not exact, when it comes to psychology or biology. The little white lab coats do not make them Super Heroes I could drone on, but shorter is sweeter.

Comment Overtime - unintended side effect (Score 1) 140

This is a side effect of overtime at 1.5x rule. If I want more money (total), because of the penalty of overtime multiplier, employers avoid it like the plague. Wal-Mart reduced everyone hours to 38, just to have a cushion to avoid the penalty and lawsuits. This is of course balanced by "health benefits" of only working 40 hours. This is defeated by having to have 2 jobs. Will raising the minimum wage fix this or just cause inflation and/or layoffs. The real answer is too complex to predict, long term. Economics is an art form, not an exact science.

Comment Hatred and Bigotry in Disguise! (Score 0) 142

"Cosco, Amazon, and Wal-mart won't take them". If the city refuses to allow them, expect a federal lawsuit. Typical modern thinking. Slander those that are not of your group. Replace the names with races and watch the people howl. Ignore the big box contributions: Taxes and jobs, benefits and savings. Only think about the benefits to my store. Even Amazon pays sales taxes, without demanding much in the way of services: i.e., Fire, Police, Ambulance, etc.

Comment 63 and still amazed at the Daft Morons (Score 1) 481

63 and still amazed at the Daft Morons that come out of college. 42 years of working at one company (with 5 different names). The new hires are woefully trained at embedded programming. They are all trained for web work. Which is the way I was straight out of college, except I was trained to be a "professor", not real work. Corporate types want managers (supervisors) to be HR people, not lead engineers. Therefore the decisions are political and not engineering.

Submission + - Is it time to shrink the ethernet connector? 5

jimwelch writes: HDMI has shrunk to mini, then micro.
USB has shrunk to mini, then micro.
Wired Ethernet connector has not changed since 1988!
On the Raspberry PI, it is the largest of the standardized connectors.
Is it time to come up with a new version?

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