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Comment Re: If it has to go... (Score 1) 305

This is why I said short-range. I was already aware of the legalities. If the signal is unused and my transmission doesn't extend past the perimeter of my home then, while I may be violating certain restrictions, I would be doing so in a manner that will not be observable outside my home and will not be overlapping with other signal on that frequency. Ultimately my goal is to allow me to continue to sync my watch and wall clocks. Furthermore, if need be, I can limit this to a precise window since most atomic sync'd devices tend to this only on the hour and only within a specific window (topically midnight to 5am local time).

Comment Re: Economy? (Score 5, Interesting) 305

GPS tend to be more expensive but I'd really like to see a $50 wall clock that's always accurate to milliseconds and, on the other hand, I can place that clock in areas that can't receive a GPS signal. Sure fewer people are wearing watches but it seems to be the norm on all emergency services and military personnel as well as some of us who just enjoy to easily tell the time from a durable device that doesn't need to charge every night. Sure GPS may be better in many situations but there are a lot of valid use cases where WWV still is the best solution, in my opinion.

Comment Was the DDoS why Akamai discontinued service? (Score 1) 212

Has Akamai come right out and said that the DDoS is the cause of why they are discontinuing service? If that is the reason, well, it's a business decision, but it doesn't look good in their capability to stop DDoS. Another possibility is, did Krebs disclose confidential information that violated his contact with Akamai when he disclosed details? I don't know but that may be another viable reason why Akamai has discontinued services to him or it could be a viable excuse of how he violated his contract allowing them to choose to discontinue services for whatever reason they wish due to the contract being nullified by breech from the customer. Again, I don't know, but it's worth considering that as a possibility.

Comment Canadian vs. USA (Score 1) 385

I'm a dual citizen and about 3 years ago I moved from Miami to Toronto. Canada has had the chip 'n' pin cards and NFC cards longer since, when I moved here, everyone had them and I don't remember seeing them in the states but 6 months after I moved here a friend in Miami told me he had one. I was cautious about the NFC too when I first got my card until I talked to my Financial Adviser at my bank as well learning some details through experience. The Canadian NFC cards are limited to $100 in Canada so if someone steals or clones your card, that is the most they can purchase via NFC. Furthermore, my bank, and from what I understand, all banks in Canada, will instantly cover any reported fraud cases on the NFC purchases. Ask a Financial Adviser at your bank what kind of protection you have against fraudulent NFC charges because if it is anything like it is in Canada than you are very safe against fraudulent use.

Comment How do they know? (Score 1) 408

How does Bell know what people are doing with their VPN? While I realize that encryption isn't, technically, a requirement of VPN, I cannot recall the last time I saw an unencrypted VPN. I vaguely recall that a PPTP server I was using some 9 years ago may have been unencrypted by default but I'm really not certain because that was 9 years ago.

Comment Re: Bullshit (Score 1) 211

Correct me if I'm won't but I thought putting the batteries in series won't increase the electrical output but will make them last longer. Perhaps I misunderstand series. I summer you mean connecting the cathode of one battery to the anode of another battery. Can anyone verify if that's what in series means and, if so, am I right that it means it won't increase the output power. I vaguely seem to recall that a watch battery can stop a elephants heart if you have enough of them and you connect all anodes to anodes and all cathodes to cathodes but I'm not an electrician.

Comment it's not hard (Score 4, Informative) 222

It can be done. Yahoo has the resources and man power to get there but micro managing was mentioned and that's a key problem right there. I have worked with micro managing managers and I have worked with well informed managers who keep abreast of things and is course I have worked with bad managers. Since I have begun managing myself I have seen great results and I DO NOT micro manage. The best managers I have ever had which have lead me to how I manage now are involved and aware and make key management decisions but they do not micro manage and that was key. I do not micro manage and I have seen steady and excellent growth in our business due to how I operate and how the best managers before me operated has lead me down that path. You take micro managers and they are persistent firm of stress in the workplace. They are invasive and cumbersome. On the other hand I have had managers that are the opposite end of the spectrum where they were not involved enough and/or didn't understand the decisions as best as they should have. They lead to very poor management decisions. A good manager not only knows what is best but knows where to ask and where to trust and speaking of trust you need to know your team well so that you can effectively trust their decisions.

Comment If I conquered the world.... (Score 1) 613

...there would be no DST. There wouldn't be any time zones either. We'd all go Zulu (UTC). 12 hour clocks would earn you time in jail. If someone on the opposite end of the planet says call me at 19:30 then you would call them exactly when they had expected to hear from you. You wouldn't need to worry about what time zone they are in, if they even have DST in that country or whether they meant morning or night. It would be hell to get used to, for our generation, but kids growing up with that wouldn't know anything else and it wouldn't be any more difficult for them to learn. I know my generation would have to get used to their bank being open from 15:00-01:00 which would be normal daylight operations and people would b***h about it as being the worst thing ever for 5 years, maybe 10 (except military folk who are used to keeping 24 hour Zulu time ), but we'd adapt and avoid all sorts of issues with our fragmented and bi-annually adjusted time. I've also heard +/- DST times severely increase depression so there's that to. Vote for me as world leader if you like what you've heard.

Comment Re:The answer is no (Score 1) 298

You can give it a lot of names that all imply the same thing. It is not a GPS unless you have explicit written permission to call it a GPS by the D.O.D. or you are creating a GPS receiver that falls within the scope of the licensing guidelines.

An Intel CPU IS an advanced micro device, in the broad scope of definitions, but we don't walk around calling Intel chips AMD and Intel has no right to do so. I could start a bottled water company that refines water from a mountain but I can't call it Mountain Dew either even if it is made from dew on a mountain.

I see no reference on the GPS Wikipedia page where it states GLONASS is a GPS nor do I see it on the GLONASS Wikipedia page where it states GLONASS is a GPS. Those would both be good places to take a hint.

Comment The answer is no (Score 1) 298

Is It Really GPS If It Doesn't Use Satellites?

The answer is no. No it is not GPS If it doesn't use satellites. In fact, even if it does use satellites, it's not GPS unless it uses the data received by the USA DOD GPS satellite transmitters. GPS is a pronoun, a proper name. GPS refers to, specifically and explicitly, the DOD GPS satellite system and anything not relying on the signals transmitted by those specific satellites IS NOT GPS.

Comment Videos (Score 1) 280

I use a few different messaging apps, more then I'd like to use to but not everyone all uses the same one so I have to be diverse. WhatsApp is the only messaging app I have, outside of text messages (MMS), that allows me to send a video directly to someone. I don't need this feature often but when I do, WhatsApp has it.

if I had to pick a favorite it would either be Hangouts or Facebook Messenger due to the fluid nature that I can roam from my phone to PC to tablet, etc, during an active conversation and still be involved with the conversation without being bound to one device or being explicitly bound to just that app.

Both Hangouts and Facebook Messenger can be used via the Pidgin application on my Linux desktop, as well as other applications and OS's, though I have recently switched to the Hangouts extension for Chrome which auto starts when my window manager launches with a systray icron.

Comment Re:Good thing it's dead (Score 3, Informative) 138

HTML, XML, and really the whole SGML family kind of suck-- ugly syntax, annoying to hand-edit, lots of boilerplate, and the list of faults go on. The idea of writing actual programs in such a language is terrifying.

You cannot write programs in any of those. They are not programming languages. They are markup languages. That's why they all have ML in each acronym. It's short for "Markup Language".

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