Comment Re:What was Verizon's response? (Score 1) 609
Ouch... Thanks for the heads up.
Ouch... Thanks for the heads up.
What was Verizon's response? Please tell me they told them to go cram it with walnuts!
I read that in a Tracy Jordan voice.
Try ~560 miles as the crow flies (or ~900 km) one way. Sydney to Melbourne to visit family.
Welcome to Australia!
Interesting idea. However wouldn't that pretty much guarrantee that businesses with small profit margins (i.e. any sort of manufacturing) would go out of business?
It might help if you told us who you were.
You are joking right? Israel has huge (relative to their size) domestic industrial design and manufacturing capacity. The IDF overwhelmingly uses domestic technology. Such as this:
And this:
No it doesn't. Lebensraum translates into 'living space' not buffer zone.
Way to miss the Ghostbusters quote dumbass.
Or how about the fact that they promote their non existent twitter profile on their main page:
If you really wanted people to buy in to your message I'd have your sentences the other way around, i.e. the sensible one first, and the snarky elitist comment second.
I beg to differ. Evolution was for me *the* killer app of Gnome.
As someone who worked on a helpdesk supporting commercial linux software in a 100% FOSS environment I needed a powerful mail client to replace mutt (and all the associated power user features) when the CEO mandated we send all our email in HTML. The only mail client at the time that came even close was Evolution, and it had great features for managing a mailbox where I received 100+ emails a day.
I don't normally reply to anon or trolls, but what the devil are you smoking? What a total misuse of "THE exception that proves the rule" you blithering monobrowed goatbanger. This instance the exception BREAKS the rule, making it not a rule. Dear lord.
Here, read up on it:
Why can't people be straight up and keep the money?
In this case, I have two theories:
1. Inman is trying to prove a point that he can easily come up with the $20,000 he needs, but he won't give it up nor keep it and do the next best thing to casually tossing it aside while remaining beyond reproach. This is a calculated insult and warning to any further legal shenanigans i.e. I can not only pay you right now, but I can also afford better legal defence than you. Fuck off.
2. Inman is trying to create good will and publicity, carefully positioning himself for a counter-suit.
It is entirely possible he is just a un-douchie sort of bloke, but the two theories above presume he is also intelligent. Which he seems to be.
If computers take over (which seems to be their natural tendency), it will serve us right. -- Alistair Cooke