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Comment Re:Wow... (Score 1) 534

It doesn't matter. The private key is already compromised.

For two signatures in the future, with truly random values of m, you won't be able to derive the private key, but the key has already been discovered. The cat's out of the bag now... you can't put it back in.

The only way for Sony to prevent this is to revoke the signing (private) key in a system update, which would make GAMES NOT WORK. Any convoluted solution involving whitelists—like some mentioned above in this thread—don't work, because you can trivially create your own whitelist now, and sign it with Sony's actual signing key.

Comment Re:Going too far, BUT... (Score 1) 366

Over the past ten years the government of the USA has eroded the civil rights in your nation, and the citizens by and large have said "meh" and gone back to watching Kate Gosselin on "Dancing with the Stars." Why should India be any different?

Because most of the recent civil rights erosions in the US have been against individuals. Mess with big business and you may start seeing campaign financing conveniently disappear. RIM caved, but what would happen if Google, Microsoft, and IBM said they'd pull out of India?

Comment State laws (Score 1) 215

While this seems like a good thing, it doesn't sound like it overrides more stringent laws in 2-party consent states like Massachusetts. Basically, this doesn't allow blanket covert recording for non-criminal purposes; state-by-state restrictions still apply. Am I wrong?

Comment Re:Speach recognition tech is broken in many ways (Score 2, Insightful) 342

When I started on my Ph.D., I started out majoring in AI. One of several reasons I changed to computer architecture (CPU design, etc.) is because I just couldn't stand the broken ways that people were doing stuff.

I don't get it. You left a Ph.D. program because the field was immature? Isn't the whole point of a Ph.D. program to produce something new and share it? Yeah, I get that funding might be harder than a safer field like computer engineering, but it seems like you abandoned a huge opportunity. You make it sound like you had a whole slew of new, potentially great ideas, and you just dropped them because it would be "too hard".

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