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Comment Re:Adoption... (Score 2) 328

I'm skeptical about the frequently discussed difficulty of adoption if it's well planned. If most of the companies tools are web-based (and not forced to use MS due to dependencies on ActiveX, and the like) then it's entirely feasible that you wouldn't need to retrain employees much at all. The next major hurdle is email and document publishing. I'd be curious to see their adoption plan and the results.


Why Anonymous Can't Take Down Amazon.com 392

suraj.sun writes "The website-attacking group 'Anonymous' tried and failed to take down Amazon.com on Thursday. The group's vengeance horde quickly found out something techies have known for years: Amazon, which has built one of the world's most invincible websites, is almost impossible to crash.... Anonymous quickly figured that out. Less than an hour after setting its sights on Amazon, the group's organizers called off the attempt. 'We don't have enough forces,' they tweeted."

Comment Re:But.. uh.. err... (Score 1) 245

This is one of those "useless" facts that you might be really glad you know one day when you are accidentally dealing with an old NT network and can't figure out why your machines aren't talking. Still silly, though.

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