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Comment Re:And it will be for a long time (Score 1) 125

You're not very good at math are you? Perhaps you should review ratios.

DVD: $56 million in profit on $99 million in revenue is a 56% margin.
Streaming: $560 million in profit on $11.7 billion in revenue is a 4.7% margin.

Netflix's DVD business has an order of magnitude greater margin than its streaming business.

Only a fool walks away from that kind of business.

Comment Re:AE is a great Airplay Device with optical out. (Score 1) 189

A little known fact is that you can AirPlay to an Airport Express and it'll output digital PCM to whatever's on the other side. I have a bunch of them feeding into different stereos all over the house, for cheap whole-home audio. Pretty good for a $30 device (used).

And by "little known," you mean specifically listed on the box, in the manual, in iOS, in iTunes, and on Apple's website?

Speaking of used Airports, a great place to get them cheap is Goodwill. I know a guy who picked up a lot of four for $20.

Comment Re:Apple's 'achievements' (Score 1, Informative) 189

Apple still sells wired keyboards.

But you also forgot these items that Apple discontinued:
- Floppy drives
- Apple-branded rechargeable AA batteries
- Apple-branded DVD-ROMs
- Apple-branded dialup modems (The last one was built into the original iTit Airport)
- Apple-branded scanners
- Apple-branded digital cameras
- Apple socks (iPod cozies)
- Apple-branded printers

Fortunately, the Wintel equivalents will live forever in discount Chinese websites thanks to Microsoft lemmings.

Comment Re:useful range extenders (Score 1) 189

Unless you wanted an Airport router.

Or something that works.

Or something that can be set up in under two minutes.

Or something that doesn't require flashing your router's firmware.

Or something an average person or their parents can use, and not some L33t haxxorz wanna-be kludge.

I have a Time Capsule, and its wifi signal extended through THREE AirMacs across my property. ("AirMac" is the old Japanese branding for Airport Express.) They all work perfectly. All the time. The only time they've been reset is when the power went out a few years ago. And setting the whole thing up was accomplished in under 30 minutes.

Comment Re:$5,000? (Score 1) 278

Assuming you're posting from the U.S., get over it. Christmas is a holiday recognized by the federal government. If you choose not to enjoy it, that's your business. But it's not culturally insensitive. You're just culturally intolerant/oversensitive.

Comment Walks like an ad... Talks like an ad... (Score 5, Funny) 119

Translated: "Step right up, folks, and buy some stock! You want to be a part of this miracle company that's going to change everything forever! We're buzzword compliant and going to revolutionize the world, just like every other company that's come before us! How are we different? We managed to get through the outsourced overseas /. BS filter with our astroturf advertisement! So, step right up and have a swig of tonic!"

Comment Re:old news...iPhone ownership (Score 2) 177

Well, to be completely accurate Apple bugs the hell out of you until you upgrade. I have an old iPhone that I use to run a small radio station, and thanks to wifi sync I go months without ever looking at it in the equipment closet. But once there's a new version of the OS, that alert will pop up every chance it gets, whether I want to upgrade right now or not. And the upgrade choices on the alert are usually "Upgrade Now" or "Upgrade Tonight"

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