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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Wow. They can't do anything right.  *Tuesday February 04, 2020 @01:52AM 3 3, Insightful
   attached to User-Error Problems With Iowa Caucus App Cause Online Confusion
Re:Not Fair!  *Tuesday February 04, 2020 @01:22AM  2
   attached to YouTube Reinforces Guidelines on Fighting Misleading Election Content
Re:Next step  *Thursday May 07, 2015 @06:45PM  2
   attached to Microsoft Releases PowerShell DSC For Linux
Re:Micro-management kills this idea every time  *Saturday January 03, 2015 @08:16PM  3
   attached to If the Programmer Won't Go To Silicon Valley, Should SV Go To the Programmer?
40 is an artificial boundary  *Tuesday December 23, 2014 @10:27PM  2
   attached to At 40, a person is ...
I like PirateBox better  *Wednesday November 05, 2014 @08:52PM 2 4, Interesting
   attached to LibraryBox is an Open Source Server That Runs on Low-Cost Hardware (Video)
So, you're saying "Python"?  *Saturday November 01, 2014 @11:18AM  2
   attached to It's Time To Revive Hypercard
Re:Simulations are limited by imagination  *Sunday August 24, 2014 @09:32AM 1 2
   attached to Google Wants To Test Driverless Cars In a Simulation
Re:AI is always   *Sunday July 06, 2014 @11:21AM  2
   attached to By 2045 'The Top Species Will No Longer Be Humans,' and That Could Be a Problem
Re:This is so 1990s  *Wednesday June 04, 2014 @06:26PM  2
   attached to Linux Mint 17 'Qiana' Released
Re:Oh just perfect  *Saturday May 17, 2014 @12:45PM  2
   attached to Measles Virus Puts Woman's Cancer Into Remission
Re:Random thoughts...  *Sunday April 20, 2014 @05:30PM 1 3
   attached to Why Tesla Really Needs a Gigafactory
Any idea what these are running, price-wise?  *Sunday March 23, 2014 @06:11PM  2
   attached to Goodyear's New State-of-the-Art Airship Makes Its First Flight
Re:Online banking and other financial activities ?  *Sunday December 29, 2013 @05:19PM  3
   attached to Chromebooks Have a Lucrative Year; Should WinTel Be Worried?
Re:The Solution is Obvious  *Sunday December 22, 2013 @10:44AM 3 4, Interesting
   attached to Microsoft's Ticking Time Bomb Is Windows XP
Re:No.  *Sunday December 22, 2013 @10:05AM 1 2
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Can Commercial Hardware Routers Be Trusted?
Re:For loops and printfs aren't fun  *Sunday December 08, 2013 @10:12AM 1 2
   attached to Excite Kids To Code By Focusing Less On Coding
Re:On whose planet?  *Sunday December 08, 2013 @10:46AM 1 3
   attached to Nobody Builds Reactors For Fun Anymore
Re:Just wait until...  *Tuesday December 03, 2013 @11:05PM  2
   attached to RF Safe-Stop Shuts Down Car Engines With Radio Pulse
Re:But  *Sunday December 01, 2013 @01:16PM  2
   attached to How Microwave Transmission Is Linking Financial Centers At Near-Light Speed
Re:POLICE STATE AMERICA  *Tuesday October 15, 2013 @12:29AM 3 5, Insightful
   attached to DOJ: Defendant Has No Standing To Oppose Use of Phone Records
Re:Start your own provider?  *Saturday September 07, 2013 @04:08PM 3 3
   attached to Ask Slashdot: How Do You Fight Usage Caps?
Re:Lost a customer  *Friday September 06, 2013 @10:50PM  2, Interesting
   attached to Parallels Update Installs Unrelated Daemon Without Permission
Re:curious, as Oracle has its challenges growing  *Tuesday August 13, 2013 @11:38PM  2
   attached to Larry Ellison Believes Apple Is Doomed

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
