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Comment Bigotry (Score 1) 361

What an easy problem to fix. There are plenty of people who would be happy to move north to live in the countries with birthrates below replacement value. There's just one hitch - they are brown. Complaining about birthrates in white ethnocentric economies is practically the definition of bigotry.

Comment Re:This is GOOD, actually (Score 1) 361

The only reason we are able to sustain as many people as we do today is because most people are poor. Imagine a world where everyone has at least a middle class (by contemporary standards) lifestyle. Every family gets to eat steak at least once a week say. Everyone has their own home, electricity, and their own means of transportation. Absolutely impossible with our current population. We are FAR too overpopulated already. Climate change isn't simply the result of burning fossil fuels, it is the result of THERE ARE TOO DAMN MANY PEOPLE ON THE PLANET. No one in the US should be condemning poor people for burning coal and charcoal - the US contributes more to global warming than anyone. Because burning stuff gives us our standard of living.

Comment Re:Because Money (Score 1) 108

Whatever sophomoric nitwit. Demonstrate one iota of original thought, you mindless repetitious meme-bot. You don't get what is going on at all. They can't control it, so they are trying to get us to accept that whatever their crazy ass uncontrolled Frankenstein does is just hunky-dory. And here you are, off on some idiotic 1990's Chicago school of economics economics rant. Grow the fuck up.

Comment Re:Because Money (Score 1) 108

Yes you are correct. OpenAI (and others will follow) are discovering that they cannot constrain the monster they are creating. So they are begging for forgiveness, and asking us to accept this as the new normal. That is sick. Degenerative and disgusting. There is no defense for this. They cannot cannot control this. THAT is the real message here. That is not OK. They need to be shut down until they demonstrate that they are actually in control.

Comment Re:This is insane (Score 2) 107

What tech did DJI steal from US drone manufacturers exactly? China makes cheaper high-quality drones that US consumers want to buy. What is the magic word for that kind of free-market competition again? Ummm, oh that's right - COMMUNISM! Now since we are losing let's go running to big daddy government and ask for some help like good little capitalists.

Comment Re:This is insane (Score 1, Insightful) 107

How many wars has China begun in the last 50 years? How many military invasions has the United States initiated? The audacity of the United States declaring that China is a threat to world peace is simply mind-boggling. We have spent trillions of dollars on Pax Americana military adventurism that could have been invested in domestic industry and infrastructure. Which is exactly what China has done. It is no wonder that they are positioned to eat our lunch. Are we going to compete like good little free-market capitalists, or are we going to go squealing to the big bad government we hate so much for help and bailouts like a bunch of weenie socialists?

Comment FOX News (Score 2) 107

FOX News is owned by a foreign adversary - the Murdochs - who relentlessly attempt to meddle in American politics. Are we going to force the Murdochs to divest? Do we see DJI attempting to meddle with our political system? Not one iota.

American oligarchs are late stage capitalist pigs who underperform and then cry for government bail outs and protection when another country eats their lunch. And then they have the nerve to cry "socialism!!!" None of the anti-China rhetoric has one iota to do with "national security". It has everything to do with protecting the profits of failed American businesses. We don't want cheap Chinese solar panels, we don't want cheap Chinese electric vehicles, we don't want cheap Chines drones - all of which are excellent quality by the way. And god forbid Americans have a source of information about the world that isn't controlled by one of a few billionaires.

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