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First Person Shooters (Games)

Dedicated Halo 2 Fans Keep Multiplayer Alive 239

On April 15th, Microsoft terminated Xbox Live support for the original Xbox console, marking the end of online multiplayer for many older games. However, a group of Halo 2 players have refused to give up online play by leaving their consoles on and connected since then. Overheating consoles and dropped connections have taken their toll, but at present, 13 players are still going strong.

Brain Training Games Don't Train Your Brain 151

Stoobalou writes with this excerpt from "A new study has shown that brain training games do little to exercise the grey matter. Millions of people who have been prodding away at their Nintendo DS portable consoles, smug in the knowledge that they are giving their brains a proper work-out, might have to rethink how they are going to stop the contents of their skulls turning into mush."
Data Storage

WD, Intel, Corsair, Kingston, Plextor SSDs Collide 56

J. Dzhugashvili writes "New SSDs just keep coming out from all corners of the market, and keeping track of all of them isn't the easiest job in the world. Good thing SSD roundups pop up every once in a while. This time, Western Digital's recently launched SiliconEdge Blue solid-state drive has been compared against new entrants from Corsair, Kingston, and Plextor. The newcomers faced off against not just each other, but also Intel's famous X25-M G2, WD's new VelociRaptor VR200M mechanical hard drive, and a plain-old WD Caviar Black 2TB thrown in for good measure. Who came out on top? Priced at about the same level, the WD and Plextor drives each seem to have deal-breaking performance weaknesses. The Kingston drive is more affordable than the rest, but it yielded poor IOMeter results. In the end, the winner appeared to be Corsair's Nova V128, which had similar all-around performance as Intel's 160GB X25-M G2 but with a slightly lower capacity and a more attractive price." Thanks to that summary, you might not need to wade through all 10 of the pages into which the linked article's been split.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Sarlacc Enforcer Class Unveiled 27

Today BioWare unveiled the most impressive new class yet seen for their upcoming MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. Sarlacc Enforcers are "paragons of patience and planning, always waiting for the right moment to pounce on their quarry – even if it takes one thousand years." Gamespot had an interview with the game's developers to get a clear picture on how such a unique and innovative class was designed. Quoting: "Well, this is a stealth class, so the soloing experience of the Sarlacc enforcer is going to be a little slow. [This character] spends a lot of time slowly sneaking into position before unleashing potent close-ranged attacks, such as 'devour.' But once exposed, the enforcer heavily relies on companion characters to lure enemies close, so he/it can unleash his/its close-ranged attacks. However, the enforcer shines in a group, especially when paired with a Jedi consular that can knock enemies toward him. At this point, the Sarlacc enforcer can use his/its powerful suite of damage-over-time abilities, like 'digest' and 'regurgitate.'"

Endangered Species Condoms 61

The Center for Biological Diversity wants to help put a polar bear in your pants with their endangered species condom campaign. They hope that giving away 100,000 free Endangered Species Condoms across the country will highlight how unsustainable human population growth is driving species to extinction, and instill the sexual prowess of the coquí guajón rock frog, nature's most passionate lover, in the condom users. From the article: "To help people understand the impact of overpopulation on other species, and to give them a chance to take action in their own lives, the Center is distributing free packets of Endangered Species Condoms depicting six separate species: the polar bear, snail darter, spotted owl, American burying beetle, jaguar, and coquí guajón rock frog."

Comment 3D in Avatar NOT Gimmicky (Score 1) 419

I am surprised to read the Slashdot community is not praising the advanced 3D technology used in Avatar. This was the first 3D film I saw without the old stupid cardboard framed glasses, and I must say, the experience was great.

The 3D perfectly augmented an already great movie. It was like watching a play (you know, which has depth perception) but doing things impossible in a play, like being on an alien world. There weren't any gimmicky shots where things jumped out at you. This wasn't Michael Jackson's Thriller in 3D at Epcot Center. Rather, the 3D let you see depth to an already greatly composed movie, both graphically and with great camera work -- not to mention the the story which was pretty good. Overall, It wasn't the best movie, maybe not even a great movie, but it was a damned good movie, and the 3D technology has really matured.

I would definitely use/purchase such technology to play video games.

Comment Re:Can't Lock Linux Down (Score 1) 863

When I meant reliability, I didn't mean Windows software was reliable. I mean reliability as in support from the Vendors and from Microsoft. If you have a problem in your enterprise, and you use Microsoft software, they will go to great lengths to fix the problem for you. They really do have great business support (because you pay them a lot for the support and they want your continued business). The same for Red Hat Enterprise, which is why many corporations are switching to Linux servers over Window's Servers. Red Hat did a great thing for the Linux Community.

About the admins.. yeah, when I wrote that I was thinking it might not be right, but I was thinking you need a REALLY good admin to be able to lock down a Linux desktop. That's just not a normal admin, that a specialist admin. That is going to cost your more. It's kind of like those Consultants who do Exchange Server. Exchange server is a beast. Those guys make 150k to 300k a year.

Comment Re:Can't Lock Linux Down (Score 1) 863

This was exactly my point, and you are the first one to actually agree with me 100%. People have taken this as a flame war against Linux. I love Linux for servers. In fact, I will never use a Windows box as a server, unless the company wants to run SharePoint or something. What's the point? I believe Linux is the best server solution out there, for many reasons. Many businesses concur. Most of the companies I work for have both Windows and Linux servers, but the major systems usually run on Linux (unless they are a .NET shop).

But for the desktop, the business needs [of locking down everything] just aren't as plentiful or powerful as the Windows based solutions. You have countless vendors who offer lockdown software, which hook into the Windows API (probably even hidden API's given to the Vendors by MS themselves), plus the support of MS for locking down the workstations across the enterprise.

Comment Re:Can't Lock Linux Down (Score 1) 863

I agree, That is one of the benefits, that you can choose what components of the desktop you will deploy. However, this does require greater expertise and I would think it would cost more to a business for someone like this. Maybe not, as Windows System Administrators get paid a lot too.

In fact, the first Unix shop I worked at didn't even use full desktops, but simply as you said, had a Windows Manager and a menu for launching a terminal and a few X applications. It was called Step or something, I believe...

Comment Re:Can't Lock Linux Down (Score 1) 863

Well, one of this points I was trying to make, since the Windows desktop has been around so long, and vetted, is that there are lots of applications (some pricey) available that let you lock down the desktop really easily. Like it or not, the Linux desktop isn't as mature. Even though, as I have learned in this thread, there are programs, like for Gnome, to lock down aspects of the GUI, they are open source projects not projects made by money making corporations.

As Linux geek myself, this doesn't justify going with Windows in my mind, but to a business, its all about reliability and support. Try to convince your CTO or CEO to go with a Linux desktop and lock it down using open source tools and hire expensive and expert Linux Admins, while the other guy arguing the Windows side simply says "People have been locking down Windows for years, and I have negotiated prices from 5 vendors for their lockdown software, and MS is willing to give us support to help us lock down parts of Windows for deployment in our enterprise as well".

It goes along with the whole notion, no one ever got fired for buying Microsoft. It's the same reason Red Hat is doing so well. They are a company that makes money and offers support. This is why my former company went with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, instead of Fedora or Cent OS, which is basically the same. We virtually NEVER use the support contract with Red Hat, but the business always want to buy the "paid" version just in case. This doesn't exist with Gnome or KDE. But if you have an issue with the Windows GUI, call up one of those many Vendors who sell lock down software or call up Microsoft. And for $100 a ticket or whatever they charge, they will be happy to tell you how to piss off your employees even more when they have to call IT in order to change their classpath for Java on their machine, because that tab in the system properties gives an "Inaccessible, Please Contact Your System Admin" when you click on it...

Comment Re:Can't Lock Linux Down (Score 1) 863

After doing some reading, I see your point with SELinux.

As far as your application/OS comment, it is my understanding that KDE/Gnome is more of an application to Linux but the Windows GUI is more a part of the OS so to speak. I know X is a part of Linux, so don't get me wrong, but many vendors have programs which tie into the Windows API to "magically" implement restriction settings and change the behavior to cater to every businesses' crazy needs when rolling out the desktop across the enterprise. Whereas in Linux, it up to the makers of the desktop to provide features, or of course, since you have access to the code and underlying structure, you can just manually configure it. Luckily, another poster in this thread talked about a configuration tool for Gnome which should do many of the lock-down settings.

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