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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
OpenBSD vs FreeBSD  *Thursday January 15, 2015 @03:43PM  1
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Migrating a Router From Linux To *BSD?
Re:Cloudy  *Saturday November 01, 2008 @08:27PM 1 5, Informative
   attached to Space Litter To Hit Earth Tomorrow
All tests were run on localhost  *Tuesday October 30, 2007 @04:02PM 3 5, Insightful
   attached to OS X Leopard Firewall Flawed
Re:BS about cleaning the environment  *Sunday June 17, 2007 @05:18PM 1 1
Re:And how is this better than my civic?  *Saturday June 16, 2007 @03:17PM 1 1
Re:Not for the Energy Conscious  *Saturday June 16, 2007 @02:59PM 3 5, Interesting
   attached to Smart Car Coming To the US In Jan. 2008
Re:why? vpc7 could emulate a 1 ghz p3 on a g5  *Sunday April 22, 2007 @01:42PM  3, Interesting
Re:why? vpc7 could emulate a 1 ghz p3 on a g5  *Sunday April 22, 2007 @12:11PM 1 2, Insightful
   attached to Microsoft Updates Xbox 360 Back Compat Again
Windows better due to the Linux "threat"  *Saturday November 26, 2005 @10:55PM 2 3, Interesting
   attached to A Look at Windows Server Outselling Linux
Why not have MS suppliment costs  *Thursday September 30, 2004 @10:40AM  1
   attached to Gartner Says Linux PCs Just Used To Pirate Windows
explosives on board...  *Wednesday September 08, 2004 @12:42PM  1
   attached to NASA Genesis Reentry Visible from Oregon to Utah
Another example is Gameboy Advance SP...  *Monday June 21, 2004 @03:13PM 1 1
Re:Major architectural differences?  *Monday June 21, 2004 @03:03PM  1
   attached to Next-Gen Xbox To Lack Backwards Compatibility?
My poor server...  *Monday June 21, 2004 @03:16PM  1
   attached to Listen To The Universe On Your iPod

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
